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New Seller Community

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New Seller Community

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Convert account from individual to LLC

Hello Seller Community,

I currently have an Amazon seller account registered under my personal name, but I am planning to open an LLC in the USA and would like to transition my account details from personal to business.

Could anyone guide me on the process? Specifically, I’d like to know:

1. What steps are required to update my legal entity and tax details?

2. Do I need to create a new account, or can I update my existing one?

3. Are there any verification requirements or documents I should prepare?

Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

2 replies
Tags:Seller Central
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Convert account from individual to LLC

Hello Seller Community,

I currently have an Amazon seller account registered under my personal name, but I am planning to open an LLC in the USA and would like to transition my account details from personal to business.

Could anyone guide me on the process? Specifically, I’d like to know:

1. What steps are required to update my legal entity and tax details?

2. Do I need to create a new account, or can I update my existing one?

3. Are there any verification requirements or documents I should prepare?

Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

2 replies
Tags:Seller Central
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Hi there @Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI

Please open up a case directly with Seller Support on this. This is the best next step to communicate your situation with the support team.

Please follow the link above to explain your situation in detail, outlining what you are hoping to accomplish so they have all of the details to provide you with an appropriate response.


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Convert account from individual to LLC

Hello Seller Community,

I currently have an Amazon seller account registered under my personal name, but I am planning to open an LLC in the USA and would like to transition my account details from personal to business.

Could anyone guide me on the process? Specifically, I’d like to know:

1. What steps are required to update my legal entity and tax details?

2. Do I need to create a new account, or can I update my existing one?

3. Are there any verification requirements or documents I should prepare?

Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

2 replies
Tags:Seller Central
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Convert account from individual to LLC

Hello Seller Community,

I currently have an Amazon seller account registered under my personal name, but I am planning to open an LLC in the USA and would like to transition my account details from personal to business.

Could anyone guide me on the process? Specifically, I’d like to know:

1. What steps are required to update my legal entity and tax details?

2. Do I need to create a new account, or can I update my existing one?

3. Are there any verification requirements or documents I should prepare?

Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

2 replies
Tags:Seller Central
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Convert account from individual to LLC

by Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI

Hello Seller Community,

I currently have an Amazon seller account registered under my personal name, but I am planning to open an LLC in the USA and would like to transition my account details from personal to business.

Could anyone guide me on the process? Specifically, I’d like to know:

1. What steps are required to update my legal entity and tax details?

2. Do I need to create a new account, or can I update my existing one?

3. Are there any verification requirements or documents I should prepare?

Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Tags:Seller Central
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Hi there @Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI

Please open up a case directly with Seller Support on this. This is the best next step to communicate your situation with the support team.

Please follow the link above to explain your situation in detail, outlining what you are hoping to accomplish so they have all of the details to provide you with an appropriate response.


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Hi there @Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI

Please open up a case directly with Seller Support on this. This is the best next step to communicate your situation with the support team.

Please follow the link above to explain your situation in detail, outlining what you are hoping to accomplish so they have all of the details to provide you with an appropriate response.


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Hi there @Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI

Please open up a case directly with Seller Support on this. This is the best next step to communicate your situation with the support team.

Please follow the link above to explain your situation in detail, outlining what you are hoping to accomplish so they have all of the details to provide you with an appropriate response.


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