We recently lost Featured Offer Eligibility on some, but not all ASIN's. Opened a case but received the bot reply "We have determined that your offers are currently not eligible to be the Featured Offer for this ASIN. " It's odd that all ASIN's in one category have Featured Offer , but all the ASIN's in a different category do not have Featured Offer.
The case is 16617918281. Can a mod please look into this?
Thank You!
Hello @Seller_HT5ZzvPEHI4v5
Thanks for reaching out to Amazon Forums. I have contacted a dedicated team in charge of reviewing feature offer eligibility issues. They will investigate your case and provide an answer as soon as possible.
I will closely monitor the case and inform you of the outcome as soon as it is resolved.
Thanks for your patience.
Hello @Seller_HT5ZzvPEHI4v5
After the investigation, the dedicated team confirmed your offers are now eligible to be the Featured Offer. Remember that Amazon does not guarantee that any particular seller will win the Featured Offer for a product.
Let us know if you need further assistance.