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Brand Registry - Proper Review for Appeal

Hi Team,

I’m in the process of appealing my second rejection for Brand Registry application. Unfortunately the second rejection came in within minutes so it seems it was routed to an automated review. Is there someone I can connect with to confirm the following?

Case ID: 17182047451

My Amazon Business Development rep was also unsure as to why the application was Rejected after reviewing the details. I've gone through the criteria line by line, here's the detail:

a) your account was engaging in conduct that violates Brand Registry’s policies, such as, but not limited to, invalid notice submissions through our notice submission channels or tampering with the catalog;

This does not apply as I have not submitted any notice submissions or tampered with the catalog.

b) your application or account is related to other Amazon accounts or brands that have violated Amazon or Brand Registry’s policies,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and Sunshine State Goods is my only 1 brand.

c) you are associated with one or more selling accounts as a primary owner and all of them have failed seller verification,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and have completed all required steps for seller verification.

d) inability to provide sufficient evidence of branding on products/packaging;

This does not apply as I have provided evidence of branding on the product on my original application. I have included evidence here with a photo of my product packaging. The branding is clearly on the package. (Photo attached on the original application and the appeal)

e) you have a selling account that is de-activated, or f) your trademark application appears to be filed by a filing firm that may be violating US federal regulations and USPTO rules (explained below).

This does not apply as I have 1 active Amazon seller account. This does not apply as my filing firm is in good standing with US federal regulations and USPTO rules.


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Brand Registry - Proper Review for Appeal

Hi Team,

I’m in the process of appealing my second rejection for Brand Registry application. Unfortunately the second rejection came in within minutes so it seems it was routed to an automated review. Is there someone I can connect with to confirm the following?

Case ID: 17182047451

My Amazon Business Development rep was also unsure as to why the application was Rejected after reviewing the details. I've gone through the criteria line by line, here's the detail:

a) your account was engaging in conduct that violates Brand Registry’s policies, such as, but not limited to, invalid notice submissions through our notice submission channels or tampering with the catalog;

This does not apply as I have not submitted any notice submissions or tampered with the catalog.

b) your application or account is related to other Amazon accounts or brands that have violated Amazon or Brand Registry’s policies,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and Sunshine State Goods is my only 1 brand.

c) you are associated with one or more selling accounts as a primary owner and all of them have failed seller verification,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and have completed all required steps for seller verification.

d) inability to provide sufficient evidence of branding on products/packaging;

This does not apply as I have provided evidence of branding on the product on my original application. I have included evidence here with a photo of my product packaging. The branding is clearly on the package. (Photo attached on the original application and the appeal)

e) you have a selling account that is de-activated, or f) your trademark application appears to be filed by a filing firm that may be violating US federal regulations and USPTO rules (explained below).

This does not apply as I have 1 active Amazon seller account. This does not apply as my filing firm is in good standing with US federal regulations and USPTO rules.


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Tags:Brand Registry
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Well, thoughts A-E are quite clear why you were rejected. Does your brand exist in the real world, or are you trying to start a brand on the amazon site?

Amazon only offers sellers a platform to sell their brand on. Amazon does not tell you how to create a brand, Amazon expects you have already created a brand to sell on the site. Does your brand really exist in the real world before coming to Amazon to sell it or are you trying to start a brand by using the Amazon Site. That is the difference, and it is easy for Amazon to tell.

1. If your brand product really exists in the real world, your products will have already met all US standards. This includes, packaging (child safety warnings, metal content, made in what country, warranty info, expirations, contact info, it pertains to the item sold), have all COC's necessary on file in your brand/company name, have GS1 registered UPC's in your business name on the product, even have MSDS's on hand in your company/brand name, just to start. Your own brand URL where customers can purchase your product line is always helpful but not necessary. In addition, it is always helpful to be able to show retailers around the country who carry your line of products. USTPO registered Trademark should not be pending, but the final determination document. When you were approved by your Liability Insurance Company, they asked for all of the same information prior to issuing the policy, so what Amazon asks for is no different.

2. Now if your brand does not exist, any one of these can cause a problem in selling.

- Are you approved to sell in the category?

- Are you approved to sell the product?

- Does your actual product have your Brand Name permanently affixed on it?

- Your UPC must match the GS1 data base in your brand name and product.

- Don’t request a UPC exemption when you are a manufacturer?

- Does your packaging meet US standards?

- Does your product have proper labeling and packaging for sale in the USA in an easy-to-read format?

- Are the quality of your photos impressive?

- Do you have all COC’s that may be necessary, issued from a USA based Lab?

- Do you have the PENDING or FINAL SECESSION from USTPO attesting that your Brand is now yours?

- Have you applied for and received a Liability Insurance Policy on the product and your business?

3. This is how Amazon thinks. When you were in High School and turned in an assignment, the teacher would review the work, and return it saying, “X, Y, and Z are missing, go fix it, turn it in again, and it will be correct”.

Now when you are in college and turn in an assignment for review, the instructor returns it and says, “it is not right, do it over”.

Can you see the difference? In High School the student is told what to do. Basically, the student has to use no internal thought process. Now in college, the student is told nothing about how to correct the situation, what may be missing, or what should be omitted. A much high thought process is required to solve the problem. This method Forces deep self-introspection before a second submission is turned in.

It is quite evident that Amazon EXPECTS and REQUIRES the Brand Seller to show they have given deep thought to the total situation before applying. As you found out, Amazon is not going to tell you the corrections that need to be made.

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Hello @Seller_Oqt7b6VDGeMzB,

My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and while I cannot provide any additional insight in the reason your application has been marked as "Ineligible," I can say that the enrollment team and the appeals team have found that at least 1 of the 6 reasons for rejection is present.

The exact reason is not available to me so I usually tell Sellers to take some time with each one to carefully review their account/business etc. to potentially determine the root case. Once you find that, you can take corrective action and provide that information in your next appeal.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best, Dougal

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Brand Registry - Proper Review for Appeal

Hi Team,

I’m in the process of appealing my second rejection for Brand Registry application. Unfortunately the second rejection came in within minutes so it seems it was routed to an automated review. Is there someone I can connect with to confirm the following?

Case ID: 17182047451

My Amazon Business Development rep was also unsure as to why the application was Rejected after reviewing the details. I've gone through the criteria line by line, here's the detail:

a) your account was engaging in conduct that violates Brand Registry’s policies, such as, but not limited to, invalid notice submissions through our notice submission channels or tampering with the catalog;

This does not apply as I have not submitted any notice submissions or tampered with the catalog.

b) your application or account is related to other Amazon accounts or brands that have violated Amazon or Brand Registry’s policies,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and Sunshine State Goods is my only 1 brand.

c) you are associated with one or more selling accounts as a primary owner and all of them have failed seller verification,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and have completed all required steps for seller verification.

d) inability to provide sufficient evidence of branding on products/packaging;

This does not apply as I have provided evidence of branding on the product on my original application. I have included evidence here with a photo of my product packaging. The branding is clearly on the package. (Photo attached on the original application and the appeal)

e) you have a selling account that is de-activated, or f) your trademark application appears to be filed by a filing firm that may be violating US federal regulations and USPTO rules (explained below).

This does not apply as I have 1 active Amazon seller account. This does not apply as my filing firm is in good standing with US federal regulations and USPTO rules.


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Brand Registry - Proper Review for Appeal

Hi Team,

I’m in the process of appealing my second rejection for Brand Registry application. Unfortunately the second rejection came in within minutes so it seems it was routed to an automated review. Is there someone I can connect with to confirm the following?

Case ID: 17182047451

My Amazon Business Development rep was also unsure as to why the application was Rejected after reviewing the details. I've gone through the criteria line by line, here's the detail:

a) your account was engaging in conduct that violates Brand Registry’s policies, such as, but not limited to, invalid notice submissions through our notice submission channels or tampering with the catalog;

This does not apply as I have not submitted any notice submissions or tampered with the catalog.

b) your application or account is related to other Amazon accounts or brands that have violated Amazon or Brand Registry’s policies,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and Sunshine State Goods is my only 1 brand.

c) you are associated with one or more selling accounts as a primary owner and all of them have failed seller verification,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and have completed all required steps for seller verification.

d) inability to provide sufficient evidence of branding on products/packaging;

This does not apply as I have provided evidence of branding on the product on my original application. I have included evidence here with a photo of my product packaging. The branding is clearly on the package. (Photo attached on the original application and the appeal)

e) you have a selling account that is de-activated, or f) your trademark application appears to be filed by a filing firm that may be violating US federal regulations and USPTO rules (explained below).

This does not apply as I have 1 active Amazon seller account. This does not apply as my filing firm is in good standing with US federal regulations and USPTO rules.


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Brand Registry - Proper Review for Appeal

by Seller_Oqt7b6VDGeMzB

Hi Team,

I’m in the process of appealing my second rejection for Brand Registry application. Unfortunately the second rejection came in within minutes so it seems it was routed to an automated review. Is there someone I can connect with to confirm the following?

Case ID: 17182047451

My Amazon Business Development rep was also unsure as to why the application was Rejected after reviewing the details. I've gone through the criteria line by line, here's the detail:

a) your account was engaging in conduct that violates Brand Registry’s policies, such as, but not limited to, invalid notice submissions through our notice submission channels or tampering with the catalog;

This does not apply as I have not submitted any notice submissions or tampered with the catalog.

b) your application or account is related to other Amazon accounts or brands that have violated Amazon or Brand Registry’s policies,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and Sunshine State Goods is my only 1 brand.

c) you are associated with one or more selling accounts as a primary owner and all of them have failed seller verification,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and have completed all required steps for seller verification.

d) inability to provide sufficient evidence of branding on products/packaging;

This does not apply as I have provided evidence of branding on the product on my original application. I have included evidence here with a photo of my product packaging. The branding is clearly on the package. (Photo attached on the original application and the appeal)

e) you have a selling account that is de-activated, or f) your trademark application appears to be filed by a filing firm that may be violating US federal regulations and USPTO rules (explained below).

This does not apply as I have 1 active Amazon seller account. This does not apply as my filing firm is in good standing with US federal regulations and USPTO rules.


Tags:Brand Registry
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Well, thoughts A-E are quite clear why you were rejected. Does your brand exist in the real world, or are you trying to start a brand on the amazon site?

Amazon only offers sellers a platform to sell their brand on. Amazon does not tell you how to create a brand, Amazon expects you have already created a brand to sell on the site. Does your brand really exist in the real world before coming to Amazon to sell it or are you trying to start a brand by using the Amazon Site. That is the difference, and it is easy for Amazon to tell.

1. If your brand product really exists in the real world, your products will have already met all US standards. This includes, packaging (child safety warnings, metal content, made in what country, warranty info, expirations, contact info, it pertains to the item sold), have all COC's necessary on file in your brand/company name, have GS1 registered UPC's in your business name on the product, even have MSDS's on hand in your company/brand name, just to start. Your own brand URL where customers can purchase your product line is always helpful but not necessary. In addition, it is always helpful to be able to show retailers around the country who carry your line of products. USTPO registered Trademark should not be pending, but the final determination document. When you were approved by your Liability Insurance Company, they asked for all of the same information prior to issuing the policy, so what Amazon asks for is no different.

2. Now if your brand does not exist, any one of these can cause a problem in selling.

- Are you approved to sell in the category?

- Are you approved to sell the product?

- Does your actual product have your Brand Name permanently affixed on it?

- Your UPC must match the GS1 data base in your brand name and product.

- Don’t request a UPC exemption when you are a manufacturer?

- Does your packaging meet US standards?

- Does your product have proper labeling and packaging for sale in the USA in an easy-to-read format?

- Are the quality of your photos impressive?

- Do you have all COC’s that may be necessary, issued from a USA based Lab?

- Do you have the PENDING or FINAL SECESSION from USTPO attesting that your Brand is now yours?

- Have you applied for and received a Liability Insurance Policy on the product and your business?

3. This is how Amazon thinks. When you were in High School and turned in an assignment, the teacher would review the work, and return it saying, “X, Y, and Z are missing, go fix it, turn it in again, and it will be correct”.

Now when you are in college and turn in an assignment for review, the instructor returns it and says, “it is not right, do it over”.

Can you see the difference? In High School the student is told what to do. Basically, the student has to use no internal thought process. Now in college, the student is told nothing about how to correct the situation, what may be missing, or what should be omitted. A much high thought process is required to solve the problem. This method Forces deep self-introspection before a second submission is turned in.

It is quite evident that Amazon EXPECTS and REQUIRES the Brand Seller to show they have given deep thought to the total situation before applying. As you found out, Amazon is not going to tell you the corrections that need to be made.

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Hello @Seller_Oqt7b6VDGeMzB,

My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and while I cannot provide any additional insight in the reason your application has been marked as "Ineligible," I can say that the enrollment team and the appeals team have found that at least 1 of the 6 reasons for rejection is present.

The exact reason is not available to me so I usually tell Sellers to take some time with each one to carefully review their account/business etc. to potentially determine the root case. Once you find that, you can take corrective action and provide that information in your next appeal.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best, Dougal

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Well, thoughts A-E are quite clear why you were rejected. Does your brand exist in the real world, or are you trying to start a brand on the amazon site?

Amazon only offers sellers a platform to sell their brand on. Amazon does not tell you how to create a brand, Amazon expects you have already created a brand to sell on the site. Does your brand really exist in the real world before coming to Amazon to sell it or are you trying to start a brand by using the Amazon Site. That is the difference, and it is easy for Amazon to tell.

1. If your brand product really exists in the real world, your products will have already met all US standards. This includes, packaging (child safety warnings, metal content, made in what country, warranty info, expirations, contact info, it pertains to the item sold), have all COC's necessary on file in your brand/company name, have GS1 registered UPC's in your business name on the product, even have MSDS's on hand in your company/brand name, just to start. Your own brand URL where customers can purchase your product line is always helpful but not necessary. In addition, it is always helpful to be able to show retailers around the country who carry your line of products. USTPO registered Trademark should not be pending, but the final determination document. When you were approved by your Liability Insurance Company, they asked for all of the same information prior to issuing the policy, so what Amazon asks for is no different.

2. Now if your brand does not exist, any one of these can cause a problem in selling.

- Are you approved to sell in the category?

- Are you approved to sell the product?

- Does your actual product have your Brand Name permanently affixed on it?

- Your UPC must match the GS1 data base in your brand name and product.

- Don’t request a UPC exemption when you are a manufacturer?

- Does your packaging meet US standards?

- Does your product have proper labeling and packaging for sale in the USA in an easy-to-read format?

- Are the quality of your photos impressive?

- Do you have all COC’s that may be necessary, issued from a USA based Lab?

- Do you have the PENDING or FINAL SECESSION from USTPO attesting that your Brand is now yours?

- Have you applied for and received a Liability Insurance Policy on the product and your business?

3. This is how Amazon thinks. When you were in High School and turned in an assignment, the teacher would review the work, and return it saying, “X, Y, and Z are missing, go fix it, turn it in again, and it will be correct”.

Now when you are in college and turn in an assignment for review, the instructor returns it and says, “it is not right, do it over”.

Can you see the difference? In High School the student is told what to do. Basically, the student has to use no internal thought process. Now in college, the student is told nothing about how to correct the situation, what may be missing, or what should be omitted. A much high thought process is required to solve the problem. This method Forces deep self-introspection before a second submission is turned in.

It is quite evident that Amazon EXPECTS and REQUIRES the Brand Seller to show they have given deep thought to the total situation before applying. As you found out, Amazon is not going to tell you the corrections that need to be made.

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Well, thoughts A-E are quite clear why you were rejected. Does your brand exist in the real world, or are you trying to start a brand on the amazon site?

Amazon only offers sellers a platform to sell their brand on. Amazon does not tell you how to create a brand, Amazon expects you have already created a brand to sell on the site. Does your brand really exist in the real world before coming to Amazon to sell it or are you trying to start a brand by using the Amazon Site. That is the difference, and it is easy for Amazon to tell.

1. If your brand product really exists in the real world, your products will have already met all US standards. This includes, packaging (child safety warnings, metal content, made in what country, warranty info, expirations, contact info, it pertains to the item sold), have all COC's necessary on file in your brand/company name, have GS1 registered UPC's in your business name on the product, even have MSDS's on hand in your company/brand name, just to start. Your own brand URL where customers can purchase your product line is always helpful but not necessary. In addition, it is always helpful to be able to show retailers around the country who carry your line of products. USTPO registered Trademark should not be pending, but the final determination document. When you were approved by your Liability Insurance Company, they asked for all of the same information prior to issuing the policy, so what Amazon asks for is no different.

2. Now if your brand does not exist, any one of these can cause a problem in selling.

- Are you approved to sell in the category?

- Are you approved to sell the product?

- Does your actual product have your Brand Name permanently affixed on it?

- Your UPC must match the GS1 data base in your brand name and product.

- Don’t request a UPC exemption when you are a manufacturer?

- Does your packaging meet US standards?

- Does your product have proper labeling and packaging for sale in the USA in an easy-to-read format?

- Are the quality of your photos impressive?

- Do you have all COC’s that may be necessary, issued from a USA based Lab?

- Do you have the PENDING or FINAL SECESSION from USTPO attesting that your Brand is now yours?

- Have you applied for and received a Liability Insurance Policy on the product and your business?

3. This is how Amazon thinks. When you were in High School and turned in an assignment, the teacher would review the work, and return it saying, “X, Y, and Z are missing, go fix it, turn it in again, and it will be correct”.

Now when you are in college and turn in an assignment for review, the instructor returns it and says, “it is not right, do it over”.

Can you see the difference? In High School the student is told what to do. Basically, the student has to use no internal thought process. Now in college, the student is told nothing about how to correct the situation, what may be missing, or what should be omitted. A much high thought process is required to solve the problem. This method Forces deep self-introspection before a second submission is turned in.

It is quite evident that Amazon EXPECTS and REQUIRES the Brand Seller to show they have given deep thought to the total situation before applying. As you found out, Amazon is not going to tell you the corrections that need to be made.

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Hello @Seller_Oqt7b6VDGeMzB,

My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and while I cannot provide any additional insight in the reason your application has been marked as "Ineligible," I can say that the enrollment team and the appeals team have found that at least 1 of the 6 reasons for rejection is present.

The exact reason is not available to me so I usually tell Sellers to take some time with each one to carefully review their account/business etc. to potentially determine the root case. Once you find that, you can take corrective action and provide that information in your next appeal.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best, Dougal

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Hello @Seller_Oqt7b6VDGeMzB,

My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and while I cannot provide any additional insight in the reason your application has been marked as "Ineligible," I can say that the enrollment team and the appeals team have found that at least 1 of the 6 reasons for rejection is present.

The exact reason is not available to me so I usually tell Sellers to take some time with each one to carefully review their account/business etc. to potentially determine the root case. Once you find that, you can take corrective action and provide that information in your next appeal.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best, Dougal

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