Read onlyA customer placed an order which they received.
They said that the item was defective and requested a replacement.
We sent the replacement and it was received.
The customer returned the first order and then filed an A-z claim for refund. Amazon granted the refund at our expense and gave us an order defect. I appealed and the appeal was declined
I opened case ID 17353410281. They told me to file a SAFE-T claim. I filed the SAFE-T claim which was denied because an A-z claim was filed.
Now what? I out my item, the money and I have a defect.
Did the buyer specifically request the replacement through Amazon (their account), or did they just ask you through messages?
I've seen you respond to similar cases. Can you please check this out?
My original case is unable to open.
New Case ID: 17452291771 in the "stupid" state of transferred. Please check this out and let me know what (if anything) is being done.