Compensation Prepaid Return Label ~ Fraud wrong item
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Compensation Prepaid Return Label ~ Fraud wrong item

SAFE-T claim is denying reimbursement for $19 prepaid return label on a return where they gave 100% of item price reimbursement as customer sent back his well used OEM parts instead of brand new aftermarket item, fraud return. So if it's a fraud return, we never got item back, we shouldn't pay return shipping. Why would we lose money from a Scamazon customer.

What terminology can be written to Amazon to approve compensation. I've gone over policy and can't seem to find anywhere mentioning specifically wrong item returned compensation for return label, but it does mention compensation for return label for buyer faulted return reason codes. So if I argued the reason code was wrong in SAFE-T claim as well, as part of the winning appeal, shouldn't we be compensated?

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Tags:Refunds, SAFE-T
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Hello @Seller_CA70ZtA5VBcto- thanks for seeking some guidance here on the forums. I hope my comment will help drive some traction to the thread so other sellers can chime in with their expertise! This post focused on SAFE-T Claim best practices may also have some helpful insight for you.

In the meantime, you may wish to review this resource surrounding free returns for seller fulfilled orders, which does indicate that offering free returns may preclude the ability to deduct the return shipping amount from the refund for in-policy returns, irrespective of the return reason, as well as guide through return setting options. This page on refunding shipping costs also discusses return shipping responsibility in situations where the customer reports receiving an incorrect or damaged item.

I hope this information helps, but feel free to let me know if you have any questions on the topic.



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