Read onlyDoes one get more or less traffic/views for an item with multiple variations, listed singly or as a multiple variations listing??
For example if you have six variations listed singly
You would you have six chances of someone seeing your listing versus having one listing with multiple variations which would appear to be one listing.
If you look into your Amazon advertising keyword reports, you will find a report labeled Purchased Product.
This report reveals that, sometimes, you can advertise one item in your catalog and the end result is that another item in your catalog was purchased. I know this as an item referring the sale of another item...or an item referral.
This had led me to the conclusion that an item with multiple variations is more beneficial than single items. All of your variations refer one another in one detail page where your reviews are shared along with your best seller rank being very low due to all of the items being combined into one detail page.
In addition, a low best seller rank means that your CPC is lower than normal...along with your products matching for more your more possibilities for sales with ads.
Thanks for sharing your insights and experience @Seller_NbYSGJ8Tehgbv,
@Seller_HoYpKp97YjI3Y in edition to what @Seller_NbYSGJ8Tehgbvmentions variations can be a better experience for your Buyers as if the variations are by color or another feature where the buyer might want to choose the one the like best, being able to see all the options in the detail page (rather than having separate detail pages for each color) may result in higher conversions.
I know in my personal experience when I'm looking for a product and I can't find a color or style I like inside the detail page, I won't assume that there are others NOT in a variation. It's important not just to think about how you advertise your products but the experience your buyers will have with your listings.
Good luck selling,