Amazon Prime now FREE 4 Day Delivery?
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Amazon Prime now FREE 4 Day Delivery?

One of my competitors is offering Prime shipping for an item, which means they are winning the buy box in this case.
When I add the item to cart, it shows Free Four Day Delivery?

I was under the impression that PRIME required two day delivery?

I have a cheaper price, and my delivery window is shorter than theirs… but they still win the buy box because they are “PRIME?”

Can someone help me understand?

Thank you.

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Tags:Prime, Shipping
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Your competitor’s listing could be part of the “Small and Light” program. It shows as Prime but supposedly takes 3-5 days. In my experience, it often takes longer.

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Thank you all for your replies.
In this case the PRIME badge is displayed, making it seem like when you order you will have in in two days.
You only figure out that it is 4 day delivery when you are in the final stage of checking out.

I also just noticed on the right side of the listing it says, “Longer delivery than typical Prime items. In order for us to bring you the broadest possible selection, some Prime items cannot be delivered in less than 3 business days. Most common reasons include item restricted to ground shipping or requiring extra time to prepare for shipment.”

What is going on?
See the images attached.

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I have seen the prime badge on stuff that will take weeks to ship out

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do not believe anything prime says, we order stuff prime and get it sometimes in 8 days, especially from amazon, they can change the dates whenever they want as i have caught them doing this on many times i ordered when i was shown a specific delivery time and went back a few days later and they changed it to a later date

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Why not worry about your own listings, and your own account!!! I hope they harass you till the end of time if you report them!

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