Hi there everyone, hope your Prime Day has gone well! Today I’ll be talking about an issue that has been brought up often in the Forums lately; issues with creating new ASINs with UPCs.
For those who have had this issue you might have gotten the following error message:
“the SKU does not match any ASIN and contains invalid value(s) for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN”
This means that your UPC has not been able to be verified as Valid as indicated by the Valid UPCs help page. As mentioned on the help page, UPCs must be registered in the GS1 database to be seen as valid. You can also get this error if the information on GS1 doesn’t match exactly to what you provided to Amazon. This includes the Brand as well as the UPC owner information. Whenever you get this error I recommend you review both your GS1 Database contribution as well as your Seller Account information as if they don’t match exactly you will run into issues. The information is case sensitive!
If you still aren’t able to create your listing and everything appears to match you can reach out to Seller Support and provide the following information to request an internal review:
The Seller Support team should be able to assist as long as the information matches accurately. If you are having any issues like this, I would recommend creating a new thread, however please feel free to share your experiences resolving this error on this thread.
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Alternatively, you can opt for something known as a GTIN exemption which is pretty easy to get. Its great for Amazon sellers who are just starting out and need flexibility. UPCs tend to make Amazon sellers feel stuck with what they have. I, myself, like practicing selling on Amazon without having the need to get a GS1 UPC code.
What steps are needed to get a UPC updated to a GS1 UPC. The original owner of my company purchased non-gs1 barcodes from who knows where. I know have a proper GS1 barcode but I am having troubles getting them updated. Customer Service wants me to start the listing over but then there will be two listings for the same product.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Please help with case 15561049291
I provided everything required and still got nowhere.