Is anyone charging for shipping?
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Is anyone charging for shipping?

In the past several weeks we've been losing the Featured Offer on several of our top listings because Amazon's bots have discovered that we sell for a few dollars less on our website since we charge for shipping there.

Has anyone tried charging for shipping and seen a decline in sales as a result? I'm thinking we should just start charging for shipping to avoid run-ins with these bots that remove our listings with no notification.

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" I'm thinking we should just start charging for shipping to avoid run-ins with these bots"

OR raise the price on your website and reduce the shipping charge there by an equivalent amount.

Amazon BOTS are as smart as a box of rocks and can not so simple math.

I used to charge for shipping but have converted almost all my items to FREE shipping for one reason.

Actually, more than one.

First, there really IS a sucker born every minute that thinks something actually ships for free.

Second, if they buy more than one item it is a huge (percentage) increase in my profit.

$9.99 + $4.99 shipping is $14.98. The converted "free shipping price" becomes $14.99.

AMAZON on the $14.98 version splits the shipping cost (depending on how you set things up) between multiple items so all you get is $4.99 total to cover the costs.

On the 'free shipping' I get $14.99, or 2X$14.99, or, 3X14.99, etc. when they buy more items.

The extra $5 per item costs me (maybe) a few cents extra in postage since my items are about 2 ounces each!

The same result can be achieved on your site if you work it right.

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