PO Box Unchecked On Shipping Template, But Received PO Box Order?
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PO Box Unchecked On Shipping Template, But Received PO Box Order?

We have PO Box shipping deselected on our shipping template in every category and destination.

Yet the other day, we received a shipment with all shipping methods except USPS grayed out, with the reason being "UPS/FedEx cannot ship to a PO Box".

The more baffling part is, I couldnt find a record of a PO Box set up for that location (which was some sort of grocery store).

Below is a mockup, redacted version of the address:

XX-XXXX Street Name Hwy

Box 123

City Name, Hawaii XXXXX

So my question to all of you is, is it possible the way the address was set up convinced Amazon the destination was a PO box, when in fact, it was not?

Has anyone else experienced this? Again, I double checked and PO Boxes are deselected for the entire shipping template that we use on every item.

Thanks in advance

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Tags:Direct Shipping, Fulfillment, Seller fulfilled, Shipping, USPS
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Update: Apparently FedEx also considers the address a PO Box address, which is interesting because I can't find a record of PO Boxes at the address.

This means that despite having PO Box deselected on our shipping template, Amazon still allowed this shipping address to go through.

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