Read onlyHello, my product was listed under clothing category, but I received a notification from Amazon that my product was classified incorrectly and violated regulations. How should I handle this situation?
This product has been identified as a live plant or seed product that is listed outside of the SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED categories. Please update the product_type attribute to either SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED values as a path to reinstatement. If you are unable to make the necessary changes, please work with Seller Support to change the category classification for your ASIN and then please apply for reinstatement. It is against Amazon policy to list live plant or seed product outside of these categories.
We're all getting it. Just appeal it and open an urgent Amazon Seller Support case. Amazon hasn't provided a response to any of us yet.
Hello all,
Michelle at Amazon here. Thank you for contacting us. Please know that we are actively working on this issue and will update you as soon as we have more information.
Based on my understanding, many friends around me have been warned of live seeds on their US sites these past few days. But on June 30, 2024, Amazon silently eliminated its violation records and only left multiple warning letters. It is obvious that this is another misjudgment and farce in the Amazon system.