My Account was deactivated
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My Account was deactivated

My account was deactivated for no reason. I was told to submit my ID and other documents I even participated in an ID verification call. but till date my account is still deactivated with no feedback or known issue for deactivation. Till today I dont know the issue with my documents. I will appreciate a feed back. on why I was deactivated an any issue with my submitted ID be made known so i can comply.. see attached my performance dashboard. i have not violated any policy as i am just a new seller trying to list his product. please help

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i have not violated any policy as i am just a new seller trying to list his product. please help
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You just haven't passed verification yet. Your documents need to match EXACTLY to the information you provided when you signed up your selling account. No abbreviations, and the same punctuation.

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Hey @Seller_po0VsADrGJxcd,

I greatly apologize for the delay in responses here. Your patience with the moderating team and I is appreciated!

As some time has passed between your initial replies, I did want to check in with you. Were you able to get this resolved?

Please do not hesitate to further reply and let us know if you still need further assistance here.

All the best,


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