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GS1 Barcode Prefix

Do I need to get the prefix or can I just purchase the barcodes

I will need about 1000 barcodes when I am done (ish)

Is there a benefit to spending the extra 2,500?

7 replies
Tags:ASIN, Buy Box, Fees, Listings, Pricing
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GS1 Barcode Prefix

Do I need to get the prefix or can I just purchase the barcodes

I will need about 1000 barcodes when I am done (ish)

Is there a benefit to spending the extra 2,500?

Tags:ASIN, Buy Box, Fees, Listings, Pricing
7 replies
7 replies
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Getting the prefix will make things faster, or at least should.

Getting singles has slowed things down of late and required more Amazon interaction. The short version (and you can search the forums for post on UPC issues) is:

  • Singles seem to take longer for GS1 to provide the info on to Amazon
  • The prefix might not be to your own company, so initially Amazon will deny them as belonging to someone else

I don’t have personal experience here, but I’ve read many a post on this.

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You have to stop and think about what you are doing. Are you simply a seller trying to push 1000 different one-off items on the Amazon site? Or, are you a major manufacturer who will growing your product line. That’s the difference you use when making the decision.

A Major manufacturer wants all their UPC’s to have the same prefix for their own personal inventory management, and to represent who they really are, and protect their product line. If you are buying UPC’s just to satisfy Amazon selling requirements, you are much better off moving to eBay and buying none.:train2:

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Most of my items are original designs so when the “nese” decide to make poor copies, I just want to make sure they don’t use my created ASINs. as far as just leaving Amazon because you think not buying 100,000 tier is nothing less than failure, that is ludicrous.

I may have 2000 items by end of next year depending on sales, new ideas, trends etc. So to be a “serious Amazon seller” I have to have no less than 100,000 barcodes available?

Can I afford the 10,500 to get 100,000 barcodes? Absolutely, but, if I “might” hit 2000 in a few years why would I want to spend more?

Doesn’t make sense to spend the extra money and the recurring yearly fee, when business is already better than I hoped it could be.

When I go over 10,000 then I might worry about spending more.

Thanks for your input though.

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GS1 Barcode Prefix

Do I need to get the prefix or can I just purchase the barcodes

I will need about 1000 barcodes when I am done (ish)

Is there a benefit to spending the extra 2,500?

7 replies
Tags:ASIN, Buy Box, Fees, Listings, Pricing
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GS1 Barcode Prefix

Do I need to get the prefix or can I just purchase the barcodes

I will need about 1000 barcodes when I am done (ish)

Is there a benefit to spending the extra 2,500?

Tags:ASIN, Buy Box, Fees, Listings, Pricing
7 replies
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GS1 Barcode Prefix

by Seller_ajHyeBL0zyQLt

Do I need to get the prefix or can I just purchase the barcodes

I will need about 1000 barcodes when I am done (ish)

Is there a benefit to spending the extra 2,500?

Tags:ASIN, Buy Box, Fees, Listings, Pricing
7 replies
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Getting the prefix will make things faster, or at least should.

Getting singles has slowed things down of late and required more Amazon interaction. The short version (and you can search the forums for post on UPC issues) is:

  • Singles seem to take longer for GS1 to provide the info on to Amazon
  • The prefix might not be to your own company, so initially Amazon will deny them as belonging to someone else

I don’t have personal experience here, but I’ve read many a post on this.

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You have to stop and think about what you are doing. Are you simply a seller trying to push 1000 different one-off items on the Amazon site? Or, are you a major manufacturer who will growing your product line. That’s the difference you use when making the decision.

A Major manufacturer wants all their UPC’s to have the same prefix for their own personal inventory management, and to represent who they really are, and protect their product line. If you are buying UPC’s just to satisfy Amazon selling requirements, you are much better off moving to eBay and buying none.:train2:

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Most of my items are original designs so when the “nese” decide to make poor copies, I just want to make sure they don’t use my created ASINs. as far as just leaving Amazon because you think not buying 100,000 tier is nothing less than failure, that is ludicrous.

I may have 2000 items by end of next year depending on sales, new ideas, trends etc. So to be a “serious Amazon seller” I have to have no less than 100,000 barcodes available?

Can I afford the 10,500 to get 100,000 barcodes? Absolutely, but, if I “might” hit 2000 in a few years why would I want to spend more?

Doesn’t make sense to spend the extra money and the recurring yearly fee, when business is already better than I hoped it could be.

When I go over 10,000 then I might worry about spending more.

Thanks for your input though.

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Getting the prefix will make things faster, or at least should.

Getting singles has slowed things down of late and required more Amazon interaction. The short version (and you can search the forums for post on UPC issues) is:

  • Singles seem to take longer for GS1 to provide the info on to Amazon
  • The prefix might not be to your own company, so initially Amazon will deny them as belonging to someone else

I don’t have personal experience here, but I’ve read many a post on this.

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Getting the prefix will make things faster, or at least should.

Getting singles has slowed things down of late and required more Amazon interaction. The short version (and you can search the forums for post on UPC issues) is:

  • Singles seem to take longer for GS1 to provide the info on to Amazon
  • The prefix might not be to your own company, so initially Amazon will deny them as belonging to someone else

I don’t have personal experience here, but I’ve read many a post on this.

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You have to stop and think about what you are doing. Are you simply a seller trying to push 1000 different one-off items on the Amazon site? Or, are you a major manufacturer who will growing your product line. That’s the difference you use when making the decision.

A Major manufacturer wants all their UPC’s to have the same prefix for their own personal inventory management, and to represent who they really are, and protect their product line. If you are buying UPC’s just to satisfy Amazon selling requirements, you are much better off moving to eBay and buying none.:train2:

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You have to stop and think about what you are doing. Are you simply a seller trying to push 1000 different one-off items on the Amazon site? Or, are you a major manufacturer who will growing your product line. That’s the difference you use when making the decision.

A Major manufacturer wants all their UPC’s to have the same prefix for their own personal inventory management, and to represent who they really are, and protect their product line. If you are buying UPC’s just to satisfy Amazon selling requirements, you are much better off moving to eBay and buying none.:train2:

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Most of my items are original designs so when the “nese” decide to make poor copies, I just want to make sure they don’t use my created ASINs. as far as just leaving Amazon because you think not buying 100,000 tier is nothing less than failure, that is ludicrous.

I may have 2000 items by end of next year depending on sales, new ideas, trends etc. So to be a “serious Amazon seller” I have to have no less than 100,000 barcodes available?

Can I afford the 10,500 to get 100,000 barcodes? Absolutely, but, if I “might” hit 2000 in a few years why would I want to spend more?

Doesn’t make sense to spend the extra money and the recurring yearly fee, when business is already better than I hoped it could be.

When I go over 10,000 then I might worry about spending more.

Thanks for your input though.

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Most of my items are original designs so when the “nese” decide to make poor copies, I just want to make sure they don’t use my created ASINs. as far as just leaving Amazon because you think not buying 100,000 tier is nothing less than failure, that is ludicrous.

I may have 2000 items by end of next year depending on sales, new ideas, trends etc. So to be a “serious Amazon seller” I have to have no less than 100,000 barcodes available?

Can I afford the 10,500 to get 100,000 barcodes? Absolutely, but, if I “might” hit 2000 in a few years why would I want to spend more?

Doesn’t make sense to spend the extra money and the recurring yearly fee, when business is already better than I hoped it could be.

When I go over 10,000 then I might worry about spending more.

Thanks for your input though.

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