Request for Feedback in Violation Removal: Misattributed and Pricing Feedback
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Request for Feedback in Violation Removal: Misattributed and Pricing Feedback

We are writing to request the removal of a feedback left on our seller review page that appears to violate Amazon's guidelines for seller feedback. Below are the details of the feedback in question:

Order ID: 113-7913051-5242613

Case ID: 16909167631

Reason for Removal:

This feedback violates Amazon's guidelines as outlined in your policy here:


Misattributed Feedback:

The buyer references two orders, a "first order that was lost" and a subsequent purchase for $263.72. We have no record of any other order, no lost order, nor an order of the amount $263.72, indicating this feedback is directed at another seller.

Per the feedback guidelines: “Misattributed feedback. This includes feedback that is left for the wrong seller.” (referenced here under "Feedback we will remove." : )

Pricing Feedback:

The buyer complains about pricing. Pricing concerns are explicitly prohibited in seller feedback.

As stated in the guidelines: “Pricing feedback. This includes feedback about the price of the item or delivery.” (also referenced on the page under "Feedback we will remove here:")

We initially submitted a removal request for this feedback through the automated feedback page. Unfortunately, the request was automatically rejected, and we are now unable to respond further to the case or escalate it directly.

Given the clear violations of Amazon's feedback policies and the inability to resolve this through the automated system, I kindly ask for your direct intervention to remove this feedback from our seller review page.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

@Rose_Amazon @KJ_Amazon @Danny_Amazon @Sandy_Amazon @Tiff_Amazon @Blake_Amazon @Roberto_Amazon @Quincy_Amazon @Emet_Amazon

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Assistance is required. Ignoring us will not make us go away. @Rose_Amazon @KJ_Amazon @Danny_Amazon @Sandy_Amazon @Tiff_Amazon @Blake_Amazon @Roberto_Amazon @Quincy_Amazon @Emet_Amazon

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Hello @Seller_aQOd4cfCdJTFr- and thanks so much for posting about this negative feedback comment your business received.

Please know you are not being ignored, and no one wants you to go away. We try to get to as many threads as we can, but we're human and can fall behind sometimes. The seller forums are intended to foster discussion between amazon sellers; for urgent needs, know that you can always create a case with seller support for immediate assistance.

Thanks so much for including the specifics so I could review the feedback comment directly. I wanted to let you know I did surface this feedback comment internally and requested the owning team review it for appropriate action based on our help page guidance. Please know that it may take several business days for this team to review and provide their decision, but I'll be sure to tag you here in the thread as I receive any response. Should multiple days pass, please know you are still on my radar, but requests can take some time.

In the meantime, I want to make sure you are aware of Amazon policies regarding communicating with customers. Please review the following section of this page on resolving or responding to buyer feedback, which does state: (emphasis is my own)

"When a buyer posts a seller review that is neutral/negative (i.e., 1-3 stars), we encourage you to contact the buyer to understand the nature of their feedback and determine if there are steps you can take to resolve any remaining concerns. Even after addressing their concerns, you may not ask a buyer to modify or delete their feedback. However, you can ask the buyer in a neutral manner for additional feedback through Buyer-Seller Messaging, if they wish to do so.

Remember that pressuring or incentivizing a buyer to leave positive feedback (i.e., 4-5 star reviews) or to remove a negative review is a violation of our policies."

I hope this information proves helpful, and I again appreciate you looking to the forums to highlight this activity.



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