Hi, I'm hoping to get some help with an erroneous carrier adjustment. A couple of weeks ago my Amazon account was charged $1615 for a UPS adjustment claiming that the package was 119" long (about 10 feet). In reality, the package is only 36" long (3ft). The package was a return shipment, so the return label was purchased through Amazon's UPS account and therefor UPS will not allow me to open a dispute/investigation myself.
I opened a case with Amazon two weeks ago on 9/26. The case status changed to "Transferred" the same day, and the case updated with a brief message stating "Your case has been forwarded to another Amazon team and they will contact you regarding your question." However, I have not received any follow up since.
After about a week on 10/2 I contacted support again through chat seeking an update, and a new case was opened. Unfortunately, the only responses I've received on the second case are an explanation of the UPS charges, with no acknowledgement of the discrepancies or my need to dispute the adjustment.
Right now, the status on the first case I opened still shows as "Transferred" but it also appears under the "Resolved Cases" tab in my case log, so I'm not sure if the case is still open or has been closed with no response. I am hoping one of the mods here can shed some light on the status of this case, and perhaps point me in the direction of a solution to this problem. Also if anybody else here on the forums has had any luck resolving excessive carrier adjustments billed through Amazon, I would be very interested to hear about it.
Tagging a few mods in hopes of an expedient response: @Seller_nS0jcFQNDLG3e @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ @Seller_F4AbbFj6ovBk3
First case ID (transferred status, no response): 16169603221
Second case ID (answered, but did not address issue): 16334233661