Read onlyI have a competitor whose team leaves fake bad reviews. They are unverified purchases and always name my competitor's product in their comments. Amazon has removed some of these as abusive, but they continue to post them. A new one just appeared 2 days ago (unverified purchase) This competitor engages in online bullying of me on other platforms as well (Tik Tok and Instagram). I don't understand why this is allowed to continue on Amazon when it's clear what's going on. I have requested that these unverified reviews be removed, and my request is under review.
I am not willing to engage in the reverse tactic. I believe in my product and don't need to spend time denigrating anyone else's. Think of how many types of everything there are (clothes, makeup, workout gear, purses), and the leading brands do not engage in this type of activity. There is room for all of us and the customer can decide what products they would like to use.
Has anyone else run into this on Amazon, and how did you resolve it?
You can report the seller for violating Amazon's →Seller code of conduct.
**This policy requires that sellers act fairly and honestly on Amazon to ensure a safe buying and selling experience. -- All sellers must not:
Go to → Report Abuse
Make sure to include the following information in the "Please describe your issue" field, as applicable:
Have your lawyer send a demand letter to Amazon Legal to block your competitor from leaving reviews on your products.
That should get some attention.
We encountered a reviewer who was 'connected' to an active AMZ Seller, but not a Seller. Left reviews claiming our products were counterfeit. We did some research and found them on Facebook, with claims of burning AMZ sellers. Amazon didn't do anything until we found the Facebook postings. They removed several bad reviews immediately. and he/she never returned.
There're groups all over social media who are just paid to leave negative feedbacks. It's a business.
I've been contacted multiple times on reddit/tik tok and IG to get paid for leaving Negative feedback, or positive in some cases.
It's 10$ per feedback or 20$ for a positive video feedback.
So... good luck fighting this
I have complained to Amazon about such incidents.
But, sadly, to no avail.
Sadly , No one is going to hear you , This month on a single day , i received around 250 fake orders by my competitors , it was like a bot is sitting on the next side and ordering , i contacted amazon , reported a violation but nothing happened , i am yet to hear from amazon , So Now we are on our own , No Help from other will save you , You have to find out the solution yourself and save yourself .
I've had the same problem with some unfounded accusations of bad reviews.
I have complained to Amazon about such incidents. But unfortunately, in no case has it helped.
I went through the same exact thing and @Cooper_Amazon helped me to get them all removed (more than 25 total). Please refer to my post on that here. I hope it can help you. Good luck!
same some sellers/competitors are doing in our products and for last two years, we are regularly reporting them, but there is no action against thos sellers.
Even amazon are giving more values to new sellers and all those who copied our products. AMAZON should give different level stars to the sellers.