Long story short:
purchase made, return requested, refund on first scanned, May 15th, FULLY refunded.
On June 3rd, we got email stating A-Z closed because we did refund the buyer but counted ODR, we were like wth?
We appealed , failed. because buyer did open A-Z , which we did not know HOW he was able to opened A-Z AFTER fully refunded.
We want the ODR to be removed! This does not make sense, so now we have to worry about A-Z after fully refunded????? The refund amount also is wrong. it was only $28
What is the freaking world Amazon? You been adding all these fees on sellers and you cant even pull your shxt together and train your Indian reps to be better on handling cases instead of building a watch outlast human races or blowing up useless rockets in the sky?
Hello @Seller_5YZ33gHt9fwSD
I am sorry to hear that you refunded the order after the A-to-z claim was filed and that resulted in a buyer refund. It also resulted in a hit to your ODR. The impact to your ODR is how the A-to-z policy is designed to function. Still I can understand your frustration.
Thank you for using the seller forums.
Hi @Seller_5YZ33gHt9fwSD
Did you locate the case you opened with Seller Support about the A-to-z issue? If not, please do open one at your earliest convenience. I have not yet received research information from my related team, but when I do I will want to escalate and the team I will escalate to will not accept the request unless you have already contacted Seller Support about the issue.
Thanks, Susan