Easy Ship Pick Up not done for orders sold on amazon Indian we are charged for ADVERTISMENT but they dont care for pick up issue from their easy ship partner
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Easy Ship Pick Up not done for orders sold on amazon Indian we are charged for ADVERTISMENT but they dont care for pick up issue from their easy ship partner

Easy Ship Pick Up not done for order sold on amazon Indian site .Easy ship peoples are not coming for pick up from past 9 days i am continuously getting easy ship order but easy ship partner is not coming for parcel pick up and i am frustrated because my hard earn money is getting spent on advertisement it is like a SCAM. How can i get my issue resolve?

with 10 of order sold because we have spent on advertisement and these cost are getting deducted but none of the single order of easy ship was picked up in spite of keep filling missed pick up form .

Are we here on this platform for just filling the missed pick up form and to pay amazon unauthorized ADVERTISMENT COST without been a single order from 10 of order of easy ship picked up.

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Tags:Cancelled order, Direct Shipping, Fulfillment, Shipping
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also my all product got cancel delivery patner not come for pickup i am still waiting amazon resolution but they not able to provide solution.

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We are facing the same issue. The worst part is I launched my products only last week and these are my first batch of orders. Worst response and seller support from Amazon

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I have 1 suggestion for you all keep the easy form filled out again and again once the pickup boy comes for the pickup please treat him like a member of your office and offer him a cup of coffee or tea that he wants. After that take the mobile no of the pickup boy and call him daily to give the information about pick up. When we started the business on Amazon we were facing the same issues that you face today but after doing this not even a single pick-up was missed.


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In my case delivery time has been increased drastically not sure why is this happening.

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please fill the easy ship form befor e 15 minutes closing time after 1 or 2 misses amazon will take action and AtS WILL START PICKING UP EASY SHIP ORDERS

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I also faced the same issue despite filling out pickup miss forms and opening several cases, the Amazon team ignored the problem. And they don't even acknowledge the problem, it's like talking to a wall. New and small sellers mainly face this.

I went to the ATS-Pickup collection centre for my area, met the TL for my area and told the problem. He gave the pickup person's number but said one reason or another and didn't come for pickup. If pickup is not done on the 2nd day of receiving the order, Amazon automatically cancels the order.

To avoid order cancellation for the last 2 months, I am dropping the packages in person by visiting the ATS-Pickup collection centre. I met various persons and complained several times directly and through opening a case in seller support. Nothing worked for me.

ATS pickup service is poor for small and new sellers. Other marketplace providers are sending pickup person on time and we don't have to worry about it. For the orders I fulfil through my website/Instagram, I use courier aggregators and pickup was done on the scheduled day(not a single phone call required).

Now I plan to move to the self-ship option until Amazon fixes the problem. So we can focus on growing our business rather than worrying about pick-ups.

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