buy box lost
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buy box lost

Hello Amazon,

All the listing buy box are lost, but my account status is normal. This is seriously affecting my sales program and causing me a lot of loss. CASE 14920458091

Can you please help me to request a manual review of the buy box eligibility? I will appreciate it very much!


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Tags:Account Health, Seller Support
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Wish I could help. We are going through the same thing.

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Hello @Seller_CFoVNF4HG9fUp,

Thank you for utilizing the seller forums. I hope all is well.

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All the listing buy box are lost, but my account status is normal
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As you have mentioned, I understand that your listings do not have the buy box at this time.

Due to the complexity of this issue, I am transferring your information to a community manager who specializes in this topic. This way, you will be provided the best support available.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us here in this thread.

Best wishes,


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Hello @Seller_CFoVNF4HG9fUp- and thanks for posting this here in the seller forums.

Danny here, I was able to take a look through that case ID and do see our team advised an account performance issue was impacting the eligibility for the item in question becoming the featured offer.

Looking to address those callouts from the case, in addition to following these best practices is the best next step you can take to be eligible for your offer to again be featured. It's important to note that eligibility can't guarantee placement as the featured offer, but it is an important piece!



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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Hello @Danny_Amazon

My account performance has been returned to normal. Can you help me to request a Featured Offer Eligibility Review of my account? Much appreciated!

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Hi again @Seller_CFoVNF4HG9fUp- thanks for circling back and I'm glad to hear that. Are you experiencing the loss of eligibility across your store, or only on a specific product? If the account performance issue was recently resolved, it may take some time for eligibility to return.

Thanks in advance!

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Hello @Danny_Amazon

I am experiencing the loss of eligibility across my store.It's so bad.It will take a long time for the eligibility to return automatically. My store experienced lost eligibility last time, the account status was normal, but it didn't return even after waiting for more than a month, finally it came back only when your colleague helped to request a Featured Offer Eligibility Review of my account.

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Hello again @Seller_CFoVNF4HG9fUp- circling back here to confirm our team has completed a review associated with your account. Please do review current eligibilities and let me know any questions. I'll underline that eligibility does not guarantee placement as the featured offer for good measure though!



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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

@Danny_Amazon@Glenn_Amazon @Michelle_Amazon @Blake_Amazon @Rose_Amazon can you please check a similar case 15157602631

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Hello @Seller_zt0mHPxvWPOPJ- thanks for adding to this discussion. As we do look to focus forums threads on single seller issues whenever possible, I do have to request you create a new discussion here in the forums specific to the challenges you are facing. This will provide our community with better visibility, and allow a Community Manager like myself the ability to assist.

I appreciate your understanding!

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