Seller Support's Findings Defying Laws of Physics but Won't Give Explanation
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Seller Support's Findings Defying Laws of Physics but Won't Give Explanation

We are disputing a false overage where we've hit a complete wall with Seller Support. They refuse to address any piece of evidence showing that their findings are incorrect and also refuse to provide any proof of their claims.

They are essentially saying that we shipped double of everything on this case.

We are using the weights of the product multiplied by the quantity, and comparing that to the proof of delivery to show them why their findings are impossible.

Each unit of the product in question weighs 0.6 lbs each.

We sent 12 units of it in a box weighing 9 lbs, which makes sense when you add in packaging to protect the products. 7.2 lbs of products. We attached our proof of delivery showing the weight to the case.

Now Amazon is claiming we sent 24 units in total, 12 more than our shipment plan.

That would mean that the box would weigh 18 lbs based on the weight of the product.

However, the proof of delivery clearly states 9 lbs, matching the weight of 12 products.

Seller Support refuses to explain or even address the fact that their findings defy the laws of physics. They just copy and paste the same response saying they've counted and confirmed and it is accurate.

This is so glaringly obvious of a virtual overage, yet Seller Support won't even address any of the contents of our messages. The "support" from Seller Support in 2024 is abysmal.

Mind you, the inventory ledger report shows a receipt at the FC we sent it to, and then another receipt for 12 units at a DIFFERENT FC. We think Amazon is counting our inventory twice.

Furthermore, we utilize FNSKU stickers for our products and our team is trained to never print out extra stickers. If 12 extra units were actually sent, they wouldn't have FNSKU stickers and we would have received a shipment performance problems for it.

Case ID is 16546595901



















17 replies
Tags:FBA, Fulfillment center, Prime, Ship to FC, Shipping
17 replies
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If you understand the FBA working conditions and the Day One / Day Two philosophy Jeff Bezos constructed for the company, you will have a better understand of why FBA employees do not make mistakes.

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So they're giving you credit for an additional 12 units? If so, you've done your job in notifying them - multiple times - of the error. If they refuse to fix it, accept the additional inventory and move on. Trust me, they'll short you somewhere else soon enough.

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There is NO Seller Support that the biggest issue even if you get to live chat they are still either idiots or another chatbot!

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They don't have common sense, you'll never get anywhere with them. They say a shipment that had over 100 items in it never arrived, and it's my loss. Despite being weighed and tracked by UPS, and having a proof of delivery. They don't care about us.

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There is something going on in the warehouse or with their computer systems. I can not tell you how many FBA orders I send in that they tell me I sent in double the amount despite not buying that much. When I ask for proof some rep overseas tells me that someone counted double and that's what I sent it.

Seller Support is at minimal help. At some point they will realize that you did not send in double and you will see the number drop back down. Or they relabeled the product wrong and there is 12 less of something you sent in and now double of something else.

Seller Support is overseas and they can check NOTHING. They just go into a computer system and say Well thats what is says, BYE BYE.

I have over 200 items lost since Oct and they either tell me I did not ship it in, which I did. My manufacture invoices is not good enough or they are still researching it.

Seller Support will drive you to the brink of insanity. Sorry but mods CAN'T help, Seller Support WON'T help.

Just cross your fingers it will get corrected at some point.

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Even like 4 months ago, when we'd run into this we were able to get a mod on the forums to open a separate case for us to investigate.

However, even that seems to be thing of the past as our post has been up for 2 weeks now and we tagged every single mod we know, yet no one has offered to look into this for us.

There really is no support anymore.

Seller Support just copies and pastes the same verbatim message while not addressing any of the contents of our messages showing why their findings are inaccurate.

After they copy and paste the same response 3-4 times, they include "please note that any further responses might not warrant a response".

So they don't explain anything, copy and paste the same message over and over again, and then decide they've done enough to the point where you won't even get a response on your case anymore.

That's been Seller "Support" in 2024... it has gotten horrible.

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Funny how the Mods have not responded to you but they are responding to other MODS Christmas Day Football predictions. Things that make you go HHHMMmmmmm.

You said it perfect. Everything for them is Copy and Paste and threats to close the case and never response. I am constantly asking them to upgrade it to a floor supervisor. They probably laugh at me.

My name for them is NOT Seller Support its the Copy and Paste Crew.

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Hey @Seller_OzTW6Hnll2b1N @Seller_uJo8XNzWYLBfo, thank you for posting your raw feedback here. I genuinely appreciate your patience as there are only so many of us Community Managers in the forums. We work diligently in collaboration with our partner teams to provide you all with the best answers we can -- and we make every effort to achieve this as quickly as possible.

While addressing your concerns behind the scenes, we also strive to maintain a welcoming, positive, and engaging community. Taking a couple seconds to write a light-hearted comment can hopefully improve someone's day if just the tiniest bit!

I encourage you to keep sharing your input so we can improve from here.

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Hi @Seller_OzTW6Hnll2b1N, I looked at your Seller Support case and, from what I can see, there are no discrepancies associated with this shipment. Can you confirm this on your end?

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