Read onlyI have a buyer who put in 3 return requests for 3 different items that were shipped under the same order. One of the items is $1000 in value, and once the package was received back, I found that the buyer swapped the labels and put the label for the $1000 items on a package containing one of the other parts. So, I refunded the parts that were actually received back instead of what the buyer said they were sending back based on the label they used. (One of the 3 labels they generated are still unused which was supposed to be for the items they returned using the wrong shipping label.) So, I think that Amazon won't do an auto-refund since I did issue refunds on this order, just not for the $1000 items that weren't returned. Is this correct, or do I need to be concerned about Amazon seeing that the label was used that was supposed to be for the $1000 items, seeing that those items weren't refunded, and auto-refunding them?
Hello @Seller_DdmPiA1p1S2Wu
Are you testing me? Your post reads like a riddle. Just kidding.
It was a seller initiated refund, right? And, you refunded two items that the buyer sent back. But, the buyer used the return label assigned to the highest priced item on the lower priced item. The buyer did not return the $1,000 item. Now what happens? I don't think Amazon cares one way of the other for now. If the buyer complains, then you may expect a need to give your side of the story. So, keep all back up documents, pictures, etc. Just in case.
Thanks for making me think so hard so early in my day.