Your account has failed our verification process. Please see your email for additional information.
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Your account has failed our verification process. Please see your email for additional information.


Please help us with our account, in Account Info > Identity Information we see the message "Your account has failed our verification process. Please see your email for additional information." But we don't know why our verification failed. When we called, they told us that they could not tell us more about it and transferred our case. To date, we have not received a response.

All our sales are suspended at the reserved account level. Please help us sell again.

We would like to update our information, but it is not possible to edit it.


Please help here are the case ID 10441255872


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Hello @Seller_G9DO2uHCmLzzk,

Thank you for contacting us and apologies for the long wait. This is Selina and I´ll be assisting you with your query.

An Account Health Support specialist might have already tried to reach out to you about this. You can also request a call from day any day, between 9 am and 5 pm. To do that, please go to your Account Health dashboard and click on the ´Call me now´ button.

I would also suggest checking the last message you received from the verification team. They would always include instructions on how to finalize the process. If anything is still unclear or you haven´t received any information, please reach out to Account Health Support as instructed above.

Kind Regards,


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