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Very new here, but this specific case has me absolutely shocked.
Case ID: 16964808311
We created a shipping plan, there were 2 boxes. Sent to 2 different locations so 2 different FBA Shipments were created by Amazon. Both boxes were shipped out, one box with 24 units was received correctly and added to the inventory.
The other box, well the other box tracking is weird, Nov 09 it was "Package left the carrier facility." and on 23rd Nov it was suddenly " - Package delivered."
Now all the items were reported missing in the shipping and when opened the case Amazon says:
"Our research shows that the 24 units of FNSKU X004C15JTL that you sent with shipment FBA18KPVHWBJ have arrived at our fulfillment center as an unexpected FNSKU when compared to your shipping plan."
Now we have sent 10+ shipments for this item without any problem and we have always used "Labeling by Amazon" and same was for this case. There is never any FNSKU on these items the FNSKU i.e. Item Label are done by Amazon they charge us for the services.
No evidence of any different item is being provided, every single time same copy paste answer is being given. Can anybody explain what the issue here is and how can we get our money back for these items?
Hello @Seller_oTqhlQGMsfCFd Thanks for sharing those case details.
We have received a lot of seller questions about the "Unexpected FNSKU" messaging sellers receive when their reconciliation requests are rejected, and we have asked our partner team for additional messaging that we can share.
In the meantime, I shared that case with our partner team and asked them to review the details and determine if they can provide any additional information to you about your shipment and the decision.