Read onlyIm getting random adjustments from FedEx and UPS although my dimensions entered are the same as the carrier audited and they are outrageous and unreasonable amounts.
Yes, they are popping up every few hours today. They are completely bogus. But alas, we are not taking pictures of every package on the scale to prove otherwise to Amazon.
What is very suspicious is that with USPS all the corrections are exactly the same 0.32oz over, regardless of if the original package was 11.5 ounces or 11.9 ounces, they are all adjusted to 12.32 ounces.
With FedEx, they are within FedEx rounding rules. 6.65lbs corrected to 7lbs does not qualify for an additional charge as 6.65 is rounded up to 7lbs.
Not to mention this only, ONLY, happens on the Amazon platform with Buy Shipping.