Customer recently left a negative feedback for an item fulfilled by amazon. These are generally struck through for items fulfilled by amazon. Any ideas why the remove feedback request is denied on an FBA item?
They only get struck through if it is a FBA shipping issue or delayed by Amazon in shipping or if the problem is Amazon's fault.
No, Amazon just fulfills the item. Any smells would have been put inside the bag if it was in a sealed polybag from the manufacturing facility.
Regardless of where the smell came from this feedback should be removed because it is an issue with the item, not the seller. You can file a case on it but only rarely have I been able to successfully appeal a feedback removal through a case (it's happened, but maybe 1 out of 100 cases).
The main issue you'll have here is getting through the AI.
Hi @Seller_3ytsKyY2oXqoP,
As stated by your fellow sellers, feedback for FBA items are only struck through if there is an issue with delivery. You can learn more about the criteria for feedback removal here.
However, we would like to take a closer look at this feedback. Can you please provide the associated order ID?