Anyone else running into shipping issues with OTDR protections and AHT feature in the last day?
I have had many of my shipments yesterday show no OTDR protection even though all features were turned on, I called support they said it may have been due to me updating shipping and will resolve itself shortly, an hour later it did but then 2 hours later after started same thing again. This morning I checked my General shipping settings and the AHT feature which said active next to it is no longer there?
Anyone else running into shipping issues with OTDR protections and AHT feature in the last day?
I have had many of my shipments yesterday show no OTDR protection even though all features were turned on, I called support they said it may have been due to me updating shipping and will resolve itself shortly, an hour later it did but then 2 hours later after started same thing again. This morning I checked my General shipping settings and the AHT feature which said active next to it is no longer there?
Hello @Seller_Jhm7h5TmVLKnE Thank you for visiting the forums and for that heads-up about Automatic Handling Time.
Our tech teams are aware of the issue with Automatic Handling Time (AHT) not appearing in shipping settings and they are working to investigate and correct it.
I will post updates as I receive them.
Hello @Seller_Jhm7h5TmVLKnE OTDR Protection is only available for units shipped through Standard Shipping.
Units shipped through other options such as Standard Prime and Premium Shipping are not eligible for OTDR protection.
Frequently asked questions about on-time delivery rate (OTDR)
I have shared feedback from sellers about this policy with our partner teams.
Anyone else running into shipping issues with OTDR protections and AHT feature in the last day?
I have had many of my shipments yesterday show no OTDR protection even though all features were turned on, I called support they said it may have been due to me updating shipping and will resolve itself shortly, an hour later it did but then 2 hours later after started same thing again. This morning I checked my General shipping settings and the AHT feature which said active next to it is no longer there?
Anyone else running into shipping issues with OTDR protections and AHT feature in the last day?
I have had many of my shipments yesterday show no OTDR protection even though all features were turned on, I called support they said it may have been due to me updating shipping and will resolve itself shortly, an hour later it did but then 2 hours later after started same thing again. This morning I checked my General shipping settings and the AHT feature which said active next to it is no longer there?
Anyone else running into shipping issues with OTDR protections and AHT feature in the last day?
I have had many of my shipments yesterday show no OTDR protection even though all features were turned on, I called support they said it may have been due to me updating shipping and will resolve itself shortly, an hour later it did but then 2 hours later after started same thing again. This morning I checked my General shipping settings and the AHT feature which said active next to it is no longer there?
Hello @Seller_Jhm7h5TmVLKnE Thank you for visiting the forums and for that heads-up about Automatic Handling Time.
Our tech teams are aware of the issue with Automatic Handling Time (AHT) not appearing in shipping settings and they are working to investigate and correct it.
I will post updates as I receive them.
Hello @Seller_Jhm7h5TmVLKnE OTDR Protection is only available for units shipped through Standard Shipping.
Units shipped through other options such as Standard Prime and Premium Shipping are not eligible for OTDR protection.
Frequently asked questions about on-time delivery rate (OTDR)
I have shared feedback from sellers about this policy with our partner teams.
Hello @Seller_Jhm7h5TmVLKnE Thank you for visiting the forums and for that heads-up about Automatic Handling Time.
Our tech teams are aware of the issue with Automatic Handling Time (AHT) not appearing in shipping settings and they are working to investigate and correct it.
I will post updates as I receive them.
Hello @Seller_Jhm7h5TmVLKnE Thank you for visiting the forums and for that heads-up about Automatic Handling Time.
Our tech teams are aware of the issue with Automatic Handling Time (AHT) not appearing in shipping settings and they are working to investigate and correct it.
I will post updates as I receive them.
Hello @Seller_Jhm7h5TmVLKnE OTDR Protection is only available for units shipped through Standard Shipping.
Units shipped through other options such as Standard Prime and Premium Shipping are not eligible for OTDR protection.
Frequently asked questions about on-time delivery rate (OTDR)
I have shared feedback from sellers about this policy with our partner teams.
Hello @Seller_Jhm7h5TmVLKnE OTDR Protection is only available for units shipped through Standard Shipping.
Units shipped through other options such as Standard Prime and Premium Shipping are not eligible for OTDR protection.
Frequently asked questions about on-time delivery rate (OTDR)
I have shared feedback from sellers about this policy with our partner teams.