Read onlyHi, I applied for Amazon Handmade and they rejected my application without any reason. My product is 100% handmade; I personally handle the design and making without using any machinery. I have videos and photos of the entire process of my product that can prove its handmade authenticity. I believe that my product is eligible for handmade. Need a solution please.
Hi there @Seller_FqiXTizIuDqp3
My name is CR and wanted to hop in here to let you know that I am going to connect with a fellow colleague of mine here to see if we can get you some additional information.
Appreciate your patience!
Hey @Seller_FqiXTizIuDqp3,
Welcome to the Seller Forums and thank you for sharing your case with us.
I would like to take a closer look at your case and determine what options you might have to proceed. Please share any Case ID that you might have associated with your application.