Ship by date shows 4 weeks after order date
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Ship by date shows 4 weeks after order date

I have an amazon FBA order pending that shows an order date of Jan 16 but Amazon's ship by date is set at February 13 - about a month later. Why would it be so far out when they have the stock on hand?

Order ID: # 111-6879904-0617854

Amazon's Ship By: Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 12:00 AM PST

Purchase date: Thu, Jan 16, 2025, 10:34 PM PST

Fulfillment: Amazon

Does the buyer ask for a later shipment date?

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Tags:FBA, Fulfillment
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Three ideas:

1. Customer doesn't have Prime and so delivery is much slower

2. Unit(s) customer ordered are moving around Amazon's FCs.

3. Customer also pre-ordered an item and asked them to arrive together.

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