Hello Sellers,
Sellers have recently told us that they would like more clarity on our customer product review policies, so we’d like to give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to our customer product reviews team.
Post your questions below by October 6 and use “Like this post” feature to endorse other Sellers’ questions that you feel are important. The Customer Product Reviews team will reply to as many of the top voted questions as we can by October 16.
Because we want this thread to be helpful to all Sellers, please stay on topic and refrain from asking questions about specific situations. If you need support on a specific case, please contact Seller Support.
Thank you,
Amazon Customer Product Reviews Team
Hello Sellers,
Sellers have recently told us that they would like more clarity on our customer product review policies, so we’d like to give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to our customer product reviews team.
Post your questions below by October 6 and use “Like this post” feature to endorse other Sellers’ questions that you feel are important. The Customer Product Reviews team will reply to as many of the top voted questions as we can by October 16.
Because we want this thread to be helpful to all Sellers, please stay on topic and refrain from asking questions about specific situations. If you need support on a specific case, please contact Seller Support.
Thank you,
Amazon Customer Product Reviews Team
How do you plan on enforcing the policy?
What measures are in place to prevent bad actors / competitors from weaponizing the policy and taking out honest sellers.
How can a seller effectively report entire listings with clearly fake, manipulated customer reviews (which are currently all over the site and nothing is being done about it) without having to click on “Report abuse” on every single of the reviews?
What about when they clearly are not true, and not authentic? When it’s clear sabotage?
What measures will you use to remove false reviews.
I just read the review policy and it dwells on what the seller can and cannot do. How about what the reviewer can and cannot do. Every so often I see a review that basically reads “I don’t know what I am doing so I do not like the product”. I understand that the product must be well described and well designed so there is not this type of problem. But sometimes there are ridiculous or detailed problems which really boil down to the fact that the buyer cannot or did not read information.
How does the “negative review” of 0.5% - 1% (essentially a rounding-error) carry so much weight, compared to the 99% of buyers that leave a “positive review” or do not leave a review at all?
Why have you been unable to prevent this avalanche of fake reviews?
It’s very common for a listing to pop up and get 10 verified 5 star reviews per day for a month.
Yet, Amazon does not take it down or delete the reviews? Will you ever fix this?
Actually, here’s one with floods of fake reviews coming in daily. Enjoy!
Here’s another one. It’s a sleeping bag, but the reviews are for a set of pots. Pretty easy to spot guys:
Will you follow up and take action on blatant violations of this policy reported and well-documented on this forum, such as those appearing on this thread?
Can you enforce only legitimate buyers should leave the review and unverified reviews should not be allowed at all. It could be done by some competitor to depreciate feedback record.
Hello Sellers,
Sellers have recently told us that they would like more clarity on our customer product review policies, so we’d like to give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to our customer product reviews team.
Post your questions below by October 6 and use “Like this post” feature to endorse other Sellers’ questions that you feel are important. The Customer Product Reviews team will reply to as many of the top voted questions as we can by October 16.
Because we want this thread to be helpful to all Sellers, please stay on topic and refrain from asking questions about specific situations. If you need support on a specific case, please contact Seller Support.
Thank you,
Amazon Customer Product Reviews Team
Hello Sellers,
Sellers have recently told us that they would like more clarity on our customer product review policies, so we’d like to give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to our customer product reviews team.
Post your questions below by October 6 and use “Like this post” feature to endorse other Sellers’ questions that you feel are important. The Customer Product Reviews team will reply to as many of the top voted questions as we can by October 16.
Because we want this thread to be helpful to all Sellers, please stay on topic and refrain from asking questions about specific situations. If you need support on a specific case, please contact Seller Support.
Thank you,
Amazon Customer Product Reviews Team
Hello Sellers,
Sellers have recently told us that they would like more clarity on our customer product review policies, so we’d like to give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to our customer product reviews team.
Post your questions below by October 6 and use “Like this post” feature to endorse other Sellers’ questions that you feel are important. The Customer Product Reviews team will reply to as many of the top voted questions as we can by October 16.
Because we want this thread to be helpful to all Sellers, please stay on topic and refrain from asking questions about specific situations. If you need support on a specific case, please contact Seller Support.
Thank you,
Amazon Customer Product Reviews Team
How do you plan on enforcing the policy?
What measures are in place to prevent bad actors / competitors from weaponizing the policy and taking out honest sellers.
How can a seller effectively report entire listings with clearly fake, manipulated customer reviews (which are currently all over the site and nothing is being done about it) without having to click on “Report abuse” on every single of the reviews?
What about when they clearly are not true, and not authentic? When it’s clear sabotage?
What measures will you use to remove false reviews.
I just read the review policy and it dwells on what the seller can and cannot do. How about what the reviewer can and cannot do. Every so often I see a review that basically reads “I don’t know what I am doing so I do not like the product”. I understand that the product must be well described and well designed so there is not this type of problem. But sometimes there are ridiculous or detailed problems which really boil down to the fact that the buyer cannot or did not read information.
How does the “negative review” of 0.5% - 1% (essentially a rounding-error) carry so much weight, compared to the 99% of buyers that leave a “positive review” or do not leave a review at all?
Why have you been unable to prevent this avalanche of fake reviews?
It’s very common for a listing to pop up and get 10 verified 5 star reviews per day for a month.
Yet, Amazon does not take it down or delete the reviews? Will you ever fix this?
Actually, here’s one with floods of fake reviews coming in daily. Enjoy!
Here’s another one. It’s a sleeping bag, but the reviews are for a set of pots. Pretty easy to spot guys:
Will you follow up and take action on blatant violations of this policy reported and well-documented on this forum, such as those appearing on this thread?
Can you enforce only legitimate buyers should leave the review and unverified reviews should not be allowed at all. It could be done by some competitor to depreciate feedback record.
How do you plan on enforcing the policy?
What measures are in place to prevent bad actors / competitors from weaponizing the policy and taking out honest sellers.
How do you plan on enforcing the policy?
What measures are in place to prevent bad actors / competitors from weaponizing the policy and taking out honest sellers.
How can a seller effectively report entire listings with clearly fake, manipulated customer reviews (which are currently all over the site and nothing is being done about it) without having to click on “Report abuse” on every single of the reviews?
How can a seller effectively report entire listings with clearly fake, manipulated customer reviews (which are currently all over the site and nothing is being done about it) without having to click on “Report abuse” on every single of the reviews?
What about when they clearly are not true, and not authentic? When it’s clear sabotage?
What about when they clearly are not true, and not authentic? When it’s clear sabotage?
What measures will you use to remove false reviews.
What measures will you use to remove false reviews.
I just read the review policy and it dwells on what the seller can and cannot do. How about what the reviewer can and cannot do. Every so often I see a review that basically reads “I don’t know what I am doing so I do not like the product”. I understand that the product must be well described and well designed so there is not this type of problem. But sometimes there are ridiculous or detailed problems which really boil down to the fact that the buyer cannot or did not read information.
I just read the review policy and it dwells on what the seller can and cannot do. How about what the reviewer can and cannot do. Every so often I see a review that basically reads “I don’t know what I am doing so I do not like the product”. I understand that the product must be well described and well designed so there is not this type of problem. But sometimes there are ridiculous or detailed problems which really boil down to the fact that the buyer cannot or did not read information.
How does the “negative review” of 0.5% - 1% (essentially a rounding-error) carry so much weight, compared to the 99% of buyers that leave a “positive review” or do not leave a review at all?
How does the “negative review” of 0.5% - 1% (essentially a rounding-error) carry so much weight, compared to the 99% of buyers that leave a “positive review” or do not leave a review at all?
Why have you been unable to prevent this avalanche of fake reviews?
It’s very common for a listing to pop up and get 10 verified 5 star reviews per day for a month.
Yet, Amazon does not take it down or delete the reviews? Will you ever fix this?
Actually, here’s one with floods of fake reviews coming in daily. Enjoy!
Here’s another one. It’s a sleeping bag, but the reviews are for a set of pots. Pretty easy to spot guys:
Why have you been unable to prevent this avalanche of fake reviews?
It’s very common for a listing to pop up and get 10 verified 5 star reviews per day for a month.
Yet, Amazon does not take it down or delete the reviews? Will you ever fix this?
Actually, here’s one with floods of fake reviews coming in daily. Enjoy!
Here’s another one. It’s a sleeping bag, but the reviews are for a set of pots. Pretty easy to spot guys:
Will you follow up and take action on blatant violations of this policy reported and well-documented on this forum, such as those appearing on this thread?
Will you follow up and take action on blatant violations of this policy reported and well-documented on this forum, such as those appearing on this thread?
Can you enforce only legitimate buyers should leave the review and unverified reviews should not be allowed at all. It could be done by some competitor to depreciate feedback record.
Can you enforce only legitimate buyers should leave the review and unverified reviews should not be allowed at all. It could be done by some competitor to depreciate feedback record.