Easy ship pick up problem
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Easy ship pick up problem

I'm a new seller and my orders are not picked by the easy ship team, they picked the order after two days from the scheduled date and now they changed the status as package is damaged during the transit. I don't understand without picking up the orders on time. They are simply changing the status to the package damaged and returned. My first three orders were not delivered, instead, they changed the status as the product is damaged during transit and one order was returned. I don't know what is happening in Amazon.

I think Amazon has to look into this issue.

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Hi @Seller_iHapNY9xsL501

Thanks for reaching out to the Forums!

I would recommend that when you face any issues with Easy Ship pickups, you complete the pickup form for any pickup-related issues and the team will contact you.

You can find the form by clicking this link: https://amazonexteu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enDbyDzYy2FszMG



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