Read onlyWe ship using Amazon buy shipping. UPS has charged an adjustment of an additional $16 on 3 packages on the same day - I'm assuming they mismeasured, as all of the shipments were under 1 lb.
Sellercentral says I need to dispute the adjustment with UPS. UPS will not talk to me, as we are not the billed party for these shipments.
Can anybody who had success disputing the adjustment charges advise us? Or a moderator?
If a mod sees this, case# 15934591041 for order IDs 111-3102294-2694635, 111-6199073-0154660 and 111-8500549-9749816
Bump to up the chance this will be seen!
Hello @Seller_16lrzZovyePV2. Thank you for sharing that Case ID and the shipment details.
If you or any seller wants to dispute a carrier adjustment, that must be done through Amazon Support. Adjustments can not be disputed directly with the carrier.
I reviewed the Case ID you shared, and see that the dispute is still being reviewed by our partner teams.
Please note that carrier adjustments are charges from the carriers that Amazon passes through to sellers based on their carrier-audited information. The charges do not originate with Amazon. You can learn more about these charges in our help pages: