Read onlyOne of the most common issues we see in this category from new and veteran sellers alike concerns Pending orders.
Orders may be in pending status for a variety of reasons, including among others:
For payment issues, our payment and order detail verification processes can potentially extend order processing times for as long as 21 days, and after 21 days the order should be canceled and the product released back into your inventory. However, if you have an order pending for longer than 21 days, please open a case with seller support detailing the issue, orders affected, and timeline so they can assist in resolving.
If you need further assistance feel free to create a thread here in the forums with that support case ID and a Community Manager will be able to review and take action if escalation is required.
For more information see the Pending Orders help page, and feel free to share your own wisdom with managing pending orders below.
Can you elaborate on the issues sellers see when certain ASIN's have hundreds of orders and Amazon has far more than enough inventory to fill those orders, yet months go by and zero orders are filled for those ASIN's? Other ASIN's ship normally. I've created another thread to discuss my particular issue, but I find it odd that so many sellers are having this issue.
@Topher_AmazonBad actors are using this loophole to abuse Amazon during the Holiday season. Someone just purchased all the FBA units I have in a single illegitimate order so my inventory is now tied up for at least 21 days while Amazon tried to "charge" the customers credit card.
Now my competitor can sell his listings without competition. By the time the hold is removed from Amazon, the holiday shopping season is over. I have no way to cancel the order and there is no way for me to have Amazon confirm that this order is fake.
Many people will start doing this to abuse their competitors if Amazon does not do anything to fix this. I have a case ID open: 16717000661