Account deactivated due to multiple accounts
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Account deactivated due to multiple accounts

can someone help me to explain what to do as my accounts are deactivated due to multiple accounts and I appealed many many times but get same reply received from Amazon. I tried to contact Amazon support but they don’t have any information how to resolve this issue. So please help me resolve this issue. Thanks

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Amazon puts the proof of innocence on you. Have you checked with family members? Employees? Have you created more than one account?

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Hello @K_Designer,

Thank you for posting about your multiple account policy violation.

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can someone help me to explain what to do as my accounts are deactivated due to multiple accounts and I appealed many many times but get same reply received from Amazon.
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it was me who made 2 accounts mistakenly one in USA region and one in UK and never noticed until they deactivated. Now it’s very hard for me to resolve this
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I appreciate your inquiring about this @Seller_OvL8C4BJWiuS9. This helps immensely in providing guidance and next steps. As you mentioned you created a US and UK store. Did you create two separate accounts or did you create a global selling account?

You will need to sign into the associated account and ensure it has been reinstated, should you need more support on how, I would ask that you post the deactivation notice from that store. Once the associated store is reinstated, you will come back to this account and acknowledge the reactivation of the associated store.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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Hello @Seller_0I7AY2s1qxURd,

Thank you for posting your follow up notification.

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I have attached the deactivation email I hope this is what you’re talking about? I am not sure it was global accounts because I am new to this but I am sure I can online with same account.
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So technically this notification shows that this did not stem from the UK account. This makes the situation very likely to be related to the global account issue I mentioned. You will need to check each of the regions you signed up to sell in and confirm all account are active. You may need to sign into each one to verify which account has a different issue. Once that issue is resolved you should be able to acknowledge the accounts reactivation to have it reviewed for compliance.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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Hello @Seller_0I7AY2s1qxURd,

Thank you again for following up on the matter.

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I have signed in both accounts or both regions they are deactivated due to same reason. I appealed on both accounts but the deactivation is still there. Please guide me how to resolve this issue. I am not sure what to do as appeals are not working I think. Thanks
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I do not have any access to your accounts to provide further guidance from this end. As previously noted with a global account is created it can create stores in multiple regions, you will need to sign into each of your stores to verify where the situations stems from. Once identified you can post your notice here so I can assist further.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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