Amazon Shipping Got Me Kicked Out Of Seller Fulfilled Prime Program
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Amazon Shipping Got Me Kicked Out Of Seller Fulfilled Prime Program

Hi everyone,

We're facing a major issue with Amazon Shipping. Despite consistently meeting on-time delivery metrics with UPS and FedEx, our recent switch to Amazon Shipping led to over 30% of our packages being delivered late. This caused our on-time delivery rate to drop below the required 93.5%, resulting in the suspension of our Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) status.

We believe it’s unfair to be penalized for Amazon Shipping's delays, especially since we shipped all orders on time. Has anyone else experienced similar issues with Amazon Shipping affecting their SFP status? Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated!


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Tags:Seller fulfilled, Shipping
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it is unfair to be penalized for any carrier shipping delays if we used an Amazon Buy Shipping method!!


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I wish this was not as concrete as it is, however Amazon has blatantly decided to do everything possible to eliminate our abilities to do Seller Fulfilled Prime.

I found this thread helpful to explain your problem:

We had a similar issue and their response was for us to "improve our relationship with the carrier" to maintain the on-time delivery rate of 93.5%. They know for a fact that all of the SFP sellers have better on-time delivery metrics than amazon FBA has, but need to force sellers to sell FBA to justify all of their investments in physical assets. They don't care if it is Buy Shipping or not, they expect us to deliver with no excuses.

We have seen a slightly better on-time delivery performance with our recently negotiated Priority Overnight FedEx packages (we failed 2 previous trials using UPS NDA). I pray we pass the trial because we cant find a better service level than that. Best of luck to you all!

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