Lost eligibility to sell a product I have been selling for almost 2 years
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Lost eligibility to sell a product I have been selling for almost 2 years

I lost eligibility to sell a product I have been selling for almost 2 years. I was approved and have sold over a thousand units of this product and all of the sudden I got kicked off the listing. I have thousands of dollars of inventory of this product and cannot sell it now. Whenever I try to reapply it says that the application is closed and that they are not accepting any new sellers at the time. Can anyone please help me out. I cant let this inventory go to waste.

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Tags:ASIN, Add a product, Listing deactivated, Listings, SKU
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"I have thousands of dollars of inventory of this product and cannot sell it now. "

Believe it or not, there are dozens of OTHER places that people sell things. Try eBay for example.

If you were doing FBA do a removal order IMMEDIATELY so that Amazon doesn't seize your product as a result of missing the steps below!

"I lost eligibility to sell a product I have been selling for almost 2 years."

This has been happening with increasing regularity. Here are the new rules for the new, improved Amazon --


More and more frequently Amazon is taking a TWO STEP approach and you are probably caught with not doing one of the steps (or either one!)

You are likely confusing AMAZON allowing you to list (or at least "ungate") an item or category and actually being APPROVED to sell a product. Amazon may have ungated you for a CATEGORY but there can be 100's of brands in the category and they ALL have their own restrictions.

AMAZON is only interested in FEES. They will allow a chimpanzee to list if it means they collect $$$$$.

Additionally, brands that you COULD sell yesterday may be restricted today or next week. Amazon is a moving target to deal with.

DO YOU have an LOA from the brand allowing you to sell on here?

If you have an LOA that specifically says you can sell on Amazon you MIGHT survive this. Is it POSSIBLE that the brand has sent Amazon a "whitelist" of approved sellers and did not have you on it? Contact your sales rep at the BRAND(S) involved and ask about their whitelist. (You DO have a rep at the brands, don't you?)

More and more brands are providing such a "whitelist" of their approved sellers and if YOU are NOT on the list you will be stopped in your tracks and probably hit with an IP violation.

I had one of my brands stop me because they CHANGED the company they hired to screen sellers. The NEW screener did not recognize my Amazon store name because I do all my purchases under a different LLC. It took a couple weeks to get straightened out and no problems since then.

DID YOU source from AUTHORIZED wholesale sources that your rep at the brand says are OK?

NOTE the verification is required from the brand that the source is legitimate and authorized, NOT from one of those touted on TikTok and YouTube as having "thousands of brands and products" that assures you that they are authorized.

If you have watched any YouTube or TikTok videos FORGET everything you saw there.

Spend hours/days on Seller U and read the Forum to see all the really creative ways rookies and experienced sellers find to get suspended by ignoring the advice above!


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Hello @Seller_GLWyF0dbnimhR,

Thanks for posting to the Forums. Amazon requires approval to sell in many categories, brands, and products and in some instances restrictions and policies change. While you may have been approved in the past, as the Amazon catalog grows, we continuously make new determinations on which products should be restricted, which is based on a number of factors. Amazon does this to ensure authenticity and customer satisfaction.

For this reason, you may be required to gain approval to sell certain products. You can see if there's an option to apply to sell through Seller Central, going to Catalog>Add a Product. Next, find the ASIN you would like to sell and then apply to sell if there is an option.

You will find more details about this using the resources below:

Restricted products

Products that require approval

Invoice requirements for when you apply to sell


- Manny

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