OTDR just seems like another money grab guess that 15% is not enough they also wanna charge us for shipping for otdr protection and it wont even work you still get hit with otdr like I already have a standing relationship with USPS I send most my items express or priority but there is nothing I can do if USPS delivers 1 item out of 65 1 day late. To go from 90% otdr to 0% otdr for 1 item being 1 day late is ridiculous Amazon needs to fix this policy and fast yes we are the sellers and we are responsible for consumers items but once its handed to a delivery company we can't control any delays that might happen amazon themselves are late with their deliveries are you gonna penalize or deactivate your company or fire your drivers for it ?? Yea dont think so fix this policy cause its ridridiculous
Some unanswered questions here.
1. Do you sell FBM or FBA?
2. If FBM, do you buy your shipping thru Amazon?
Thoughts on shipping:
- You are operating your own business, know your own costs, and set your own shipping rates.
- Remember, the buyer always pays for shipping, because it is added into the total cost of the product. They pay for the shipping from the manufacturer to you, and from you to the buyer.
- Remember, all of your sales are based on the profit you desire. There are many factors effecting the total listing price of a product, and shipping is just one factor. If you offer free shipping, you add the shipping into the product price. You charge less for the product if you offer a high shipping cost to the buyer.
- Never pay attention to what another seller is doing relationship to shipping, that is their business and will not relate to yours.
Now with all that said, if shipping is eating away at your profit, that tells you something. Your listing price is way out of balance, and you have to find out why. Don’t look to other sellers, look at all of YOUR cost factors. Shipping costs, and what you actually paid for the product are the easiest factor to manage, because they are always fixed. As a business, your overhead, selling fees (Amazon or not), and desired profit are what you can adjust.
Now we can go one step further if you understand what I’m saying. When you use this understanding, it can be applied to a new product you want to sell BEFORE if is even purchased for resale. All you need is the price of an individual product. You run the numbers, check out the competitive price range, and see if it is a good for for you or not. On a personal note, when planning to sell on Amazon, we work out the numbers making sure we can offer the product not in the competitive price range, but at the lowest price of any seller. If not, we walk away and leave it alone.
This is a ridiculous problem on here. They basically have sellers forced to use amazon buyshipping, or else. For one week we used our own shipping option of choice through usps, because we were tired of amazon coming back months later and stealing money for what they claim are shipping discrepancies when everything was entered purchased correctly in buyshipping. There is no proof usps gets that money and no doubts amazon is taking a cut of it. Ever since not using buyshipping the otdr has slipped in percentage and account health score. Its just so wrong to do this to businesses when your shipping correctly and on time. They have everyone forced to use buyshipping so they can come and take any amount of money they want later on, or your account performance gets in trouble. It's antibusiness and too heavily graded, it shouldn't have to be such a worry and headache, not only that but if you ship early you get in trouble for that too. Its got to change.
Well said!
This is one of many dumb policies that Amazon made to control sellers at the sellers expense when all the while they are still making their money from the fees.
Come on Amazon, you need to do better and have better ethics and morals when running a business!
Maybe DOGE should investigate Amazon...
My percentage hasn't dropped in awhile but based on what I'm seeing when I look at the ship order screen, it appears that I'm only OTDR protected if I ship within 24 hours. I used to have BOTH protections ALL the time. However, it is now only showing both if I ship within 24 hours.
I swear, I have gotten to the point that I just don't give a "gosh darn" if I continue here or not. Just to think, there was a time when I was afraid to check my email as I was afraid I would "wake up deactivated".
It's gotten so bad that they just might be doing me a favor. Good Grief!!!!!
With all of the issues at USPS the last few months, Amazon *should* grant some leniency.
The bad thing is that OTDR report data is basically 2-4 weeks old before anything shows on it. There is no reason they chose to delay the reporting. If the delivery date is 27Mar25 I shouldnt have to wait until 10Apr25 to know there is a problem a carrier caused that I am responsible for. I should know the next day. Amazon has the data - they need to use it effectively and share it in a timely manner!
We started cutting back on USPS shipments a while ago due to them having issues, and we always keep an eye on account health reports. The last 2 weeks ours took a nose dive because of the things we do ship USPS but all we could do is switch to 99% UPS and pray that things improve quickly enough. Sitting at 90.75% right now. Thankfully a few are falling off tomorrow night. Hoping we dont have more incoming.