Customer Left Provably False Feedback About Product Authenticity as Seller Feedback
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Customer Left Provably False Feedback About Product Authenticity as Seller Feedback

Hi Everyone,

I'm dealing with an unfortunate situation and hoping to find a pathway to resolve this issue.

A customer recently purchased a pair of shoes through FBA (Order #112-0953514-2611412) and left the following feedback on my seller profile:

"Completly FAKE SHOES!!!! Very dissapointing will return !!"

The customer reported the item as inauthentic, triggering an Amazon investigation. I provided documentation proving authenticity, and on March 12, 2025, Amazon confirmed: "We reviewed the information you provided and decided that you may continue to offer these items on Amazon."

Despite this confirmation, I can't get the feedback removed. The Feedback Manager tool doesn't work for this case, and Seller Support just redirects me back to the tool. I also don't have the ability to post a public response due to mistakenly deleting my original response thinking I'd be able to post an improved version.

This feedback should be removed because it's a product review (not seller feedback), contains objectively false information Amazon has already disproven, and is unfairly damaging my metrics.

I'm hoping that someone here knows of a potential pathway I can take to get this feedback removed. Having this provably false feedback on the first page of my seller profile will unjustly damage my business and mislead potential customers. Amazon has already confirmed the authenticity of these shoes after reviewing my documentation, yet I'm still stuck with this harmful feedback. Any guidance on the proper pathway to get this resolved would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you for your help.

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Tags:Negative reviews
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Hello @Seller_DX7A1bEyTObaG- and welcome to the seller forums!

Thank you for surfacing this seller feedback situation, and I am glad to read that Amazon's investigation did not find any account level authenticity issues.

It is true that there are certain scenarios where Amazon might be able to remove seller feedback comments, with one of them being feedback comments that are entirely a product review, with no reflection on the services provided by the seller.

From partnering with the owning team, I can advise that product condition commentary, including product authenticity complaints, included in seller feedback comments are a valid representation of a customer's experience with the services provided by a seller, especially when the comment is applied to a seller who isn't the brand owner. Understanding these shoes were authentic, Amazon still values the opinions of customer's and their honest feedback on ordering from specific sellers.

In such situations, you can reach out to the buyer to attempt to resolve the feedback issue, and/or post a public reply to help set the record straight, though I do apologize if you've already deleted your public reply as our guidelines do confirm that: "Once submitted, responses can be removed, but they cannot be changed."

I realize this was likely not the response hoped for, but I appreciate your understanding and do thank you for seeking some insight on the seller forums.

Best regards,


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