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ID provided doesn't match "personal name" shown on account

We were unable to verify the identity document you provided because the personal name on the document does not match with the personal name entered in Seller Central.
Within the next 30 days, login to and take either of the following actions:
– Update your personal name on Seller Central to match your documents.
– Provide a new document(s) matching the personal name entered in Seller Central.

I work for a LLP company in the UK. We have had a US Amazon Seller account previously but on going to sell through there again were told we’d need to “Reactive Account” via a big banner on the “Account Info” screen.

I have tried every which way to get verified and keep getting this same response thrown back at me. I have opened tens of cases with Support which all lead to the same automated reply above. The one time an associate looked at my case they sent the same reply and then closed the case so that I couldn’t respond.

What I need to know is; where is this “personal name” on Seller Central? I have gone to Setting > Login Settings and change the name there to match exactly the name on the passport I am uploading as a supporting document.

Please can someone tell me where to edit the “personal name”, which fields and where these fields are that would need to match?

Also if anyone is part of a UK LLP and has some know-how on how to get set up that would be amazing.


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Tags:Seller Central
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ID provided doesn't match "personal name" shown on account

We were unable to verify the identity document you provided because the personal name on the document does not match with the personal name entered in Seller Central.
Within the next 30 days, login to and take either of the following actions:
– Update your personal name on Seller Central to match your documents.
– Provide a new document(s) matching the personal name entered in Seller Central.

I work for a LLP company in the UK. We have had a US Amazon Seller account previously but on going to sell through there again were told we’d need to “Reactive Account” via a big banner on the “Account Info” screen.

I have tried every which way to get verified and keep getting this same response thrown back at me. I have opened tens of cases with Support which all lead to the same automated reply above. The one time an associate looked at my case they sent the same reply and then closed the case so that I couldn’t respond.

What I need to know is; where is this “personal name” on Seller Central? I have gone to Setting > Login Settings and change the name there to match exactly the name on the passport I am uploading as a supporting document.

Please can someone tell me where to edit the “personal name”, which fields and where these fields are that would need to match?

Also if anyone is part of a UK LLP and has some know-how on how to get set up that would be amazing.


Tags:Seller Central
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  • Match - Name and address matches :100:, and I mean exactly with:

Identity documents:

The identity documents required for each seller depends on the country or state your business is headquartered in, and where you live.

The drop-down options will tell you which options are available to you, such as: passport, driver license, or national ID. In addition to the above requirements for all documents, the ID must:

  • show a full document page, or in case of national identity cards, both sides of the card
  • be a government-issued identity card that is distributed and recognized by the country where you are a citizen or resident
  • be in color (black and white not accepted)
  • for multi-page files (both sides of the ID), if the screen does not ask for separate front and back image uploads, be sure to merge the images into one file to upload
  • have date of birth (if applicable) that matches the date of birth provided during registration
  • have a signature
  • if submitting a passport, be sure the passport has your signature

Account validation requirements

All documents must:

  • Be valid (not expired, revoked, or closed)
  • Be high-quality, in color, and unobstructed (not angled, blurry, or cropped)
  • Display the full document (i.e. all pages - front and back, if applicable)
  • Have all pages of the document in 1 file
  • Display exact matching information (such as your ID number or name) that you use to register to sell on Amazon
  • Only submit what Amazon has requested (do not include any additional documents)
  • For Utility Bills, shows complete company information and personal information
    • Dated within 90 days
    • Be 1 from the list in the email
    • **NOTE: Once denied twice you need a different Utility (According to a post from an Amazonian)
  • Not be a screenshot or resemble one
  • Be authentic and unaltered
  • Be scanned images, or a photo taken from your mobile device’s camera (photo’s seem to work best)
  • Be in one of these formats: gif, png, jpg, pdf, and docx. Do not include special characters in the file name (examples: $, &, or #)
  • Match - Name and address matches :100:, and I mean exactly with:
  • Be in one of these supported languages. Supported languages include Arabic, simplified Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese (per the latest email) OR include the bill AND a notarized translation together in 1 file.

Credit Card

  • Is the credit card valid?
    • For most all sellers on .com be an actual Credit Card, nor a Debit Card (It’s about verification, not being chargeable)
    • Are you using a pre-paid card? (Note: Use of a pre-paid card is not accepted for a selling account.)
  • Is there any incorrect credit card information entered? (Note: All the credit card information entered such as number, name, address, ZIP code, or expiration date must be an exact match with your card details.)
  • Are there bank limits or policies that prevent the charge attempt from being authorized?
    • Is there a minimum charge amount?
    • Is this chargeable in the currency of the Amazon marketplace where you registered your seller account? i.e. Internationally Chargeable if the institution is located outside the US
    • Doesn’t have a block for ‘Amazon’
  • The card expiration date should be at least 6 months from when you add the card.
  • Does your card require the use of the security code on the back?

Seller Identity Help Page:

content and credit from @Oneida

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ID provided doesn't match "personal name" shown on account

We were unable to verify the identity document you provided because the personal name on the document does not match with the personal name entered in Seller Central.
Within the next 30 days, login to and take either of the following actions:
– Update your personal name on Seller Central to match your documents.
– Provide a new document(s) matching the personal name entered in Seller Central.

I work for a LLP company in the UK. We have had a US Amazon Seller account previously but on going to sell through there again were told we’d need to “Reactive Account” via a big banner on the “Account Info” screen.

I have tried every which way to get verified and keep getting this same response thrown back at me. I have opened tens of cases with Support which all lead to the same automated reply above. The one time an associate looked at my case they sent the same reply and then closed the case so that I couldn’t respond.

What I need to know is; where is this “personal name” on Seller Central? I have gone to Setting > Login Settings and change the name there to match exactly the name on the passport I am uploading as a supporting document.

Please can someone tell me where to edit the “personal name”, which fields and where these fields are that would need to match?

Also if anyone is part of a UK LLP and has some know-how on how to get set up that would be amazing.


1 reply
Tags:Seller Central
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ID provided doesn't match "personal name" shown on account

We were unable to verify the identity document you provided because the personal name on the document does not match with the personal name entered in Seller Central.
Within the next 30 days, login to and take either of the following actions:
– Update your personal name on Seller Central to match your documents.
– Provide a new document(s) matching the personal name entered in Seller Central.

I work for a LLP company in the UK. We have had a US Amazon Seller account previously but on going to sell through there again were told we’d need to “Reactive Account” via a big banner on the “Account Info” screen.

I have tried every which way to get verified and keep getting this same response thrown back at me. I have opened tens of cases with Support which all lead to the same automated reply above. The one time an associate looked at my case they sent the same reply and then closed the case so that I couldn’t respond.

What I need to know is; where is this “personal name” on Seller Central? I have gone to Setting > Login Settings and change the name there to match exactly the name on the passport I am uploading as a supporting document.

Please can someone tell me where to edit the “personal name”, which fields and where these fields are that would need to match?

Also if anyone is part of a UK LLP and has some know-how on how to get set up that would be amazing.


Tags:Seller Central
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ID provided doesn't match "personal name" shown on account

by Seller_sCBAz9kdyBCLy

We were unable to verify the identity document you provided because the personal name on the document does not match with the personal name entered in Seller Central.
Within the next 30 days, login to and take either of the following actions:
– Update your personal name on Seller Central to match your documents.
– Provide a new document(s) matching the personal name entered in Seller Central.

I work for a LLP company in the UK. We have had a US Amazon Seller account previously but on going to sell through there again were told we’d need to “Reactive Account” via a big banner on the “Account Info” screen.

I have tried every which way to get verified and keep getting this same response thrown back at me. I have opened tens of cases with Support which all lead to the same automated reply above. The one time an associate looked at my case they sent the same reply and then closed the case so that I couldn’t respond.

What I need to know is; where is this “personal name” on Seller Central? I have gone to Setting > Login Settings and change the name there to match exactly the name on the passport I am uploading as a supporting document.

Please can someone tell me where to edit the “personal name”, which fields and where these fields are that would need to match?

Also if anyone is part of a UK LLP and has some know-how on how to get set up that would be amazing.


Tags:Seller Central
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  • Match - Name and address matches :100:, and I mean exactly with:

Identity documents:

The identity documents required for each seller depends on the country or state your business is headquartered in, and where you live.

The drop-down options will tell you which options are available to you, such as: passport, driver license, or national ID. In addition to the above requirements for all documents, the ID must:

  • show a full document page, or in case of national identity cards, both sides of the card
  • be a government-issued identity card that is distributed and recognized by the country where you are a citizen or resident
  • be in color (black and white not accepted)
  • for multi-page files (both sides of the ID), if the screen does not ask for separate front and back image uploads, be sure to merge the images into one file to upload
  • have date of birth (if applicable) that matches the date of birth provided during registration
  • have a signature
  • if submitting a passport, be sure the passport has your signature

Account validation requirements

All documents must:

  • Be valid (not expired, revoked, or closed)
  • Be high-quality, in color, and unobstructed (not angled, blurry, or cropped)
  • Display the full document (i.e. all pages - front and back, if applicable)
  • Have all pages of the document in 1 file
  • Display exact matching information (such as your ID number or name) that you use to register to sell on Amazon
  • Only submit what Amazon has requested (do not include any additional documents)
  • For Utility Bills, shows complete company information and personal information
    • Dated within 90 days
    • Be 1 from the list in the email
    • **NOTE: Once denied twice you need a different Utility (According to a post from an Amazonian)
  • Not be a screenshot or resemble one
  • Be authentic and unaltered
  • Be scanned images, or a photo taken from your mobile device’s camera (photo’s seem to work best)
  • Be in one of these formats: gif, png, jpg, pdf, and docx. Do not include special characters in the file name (examples: $, &, or #)
  • Match - Name and address matches :100:, and I mean exactly with:
  • Be in one of these supported languages. Supported languages include Arabic, simplified Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese (per the latest email) OR include the bill AND a notarized translation together in 1 file.

Credit Card

  • Is the credit card valid?
    • For most all sellers on .com be an actual Credit Card, nor a Debit Card (It’s about verification, not being chargeable)
    • Are you using a pre-paid card? (Note: Use of a pre-paid card is not accepted for a selling account.)
  • Is there any incorrect credit card information entered? (Note: All the credit card information entered such as number, name, address, ZIP code, or expiration date must be an exact match with your card details.)
  • Are there bank limits or policies that prevent the charge attempt from being authorized?
    • Is there a minimum charge amount?
    • Is this chargeable in the currency of the Amazon marketplace where you registered your seller account? i.e. Internationally Chargeable if the institution is located outside the US
    • Doesn’t have a block for ‘Amazon’
  • The card expiration date should be at least 6 months from when you add the card.
  • Does your card require the use of the security code on the back?

Seller Identity Help Page:

content and credit from @Oneida

Follow this discussion to be notified of new activity
user profile
  • Match - Name and address matches :100:, and I mean exactly with:

Identity documents:

The identity documents required for each seller depends on the country or state your business is headquartered in, and where you live.

The drop-down options will tell you which options are available to you, such as: passport, driver license, or national ID. In addition to the above requirements for all documents, the ID must:

  • show a full document page, or in case of national identity cards, both sides of the card
  • be a government-issued identity card that is distributed and recognized by the country where you are a citizen or resident
  • be in color (black and white not accepted)
  • for multi-page files (both sides of the ID), if the screen does not ask for separate front and back image uploads, be sure to merge the images into one file to upload
  • have date of birth (if applicable) that matches the date of birth provided during registration
  • have a signature
  • if submitting a passport, be sure the passport has your signature

Account validation requirements

All documents must:

  • Be valid (not expired, revoked, or closed)
  • Be high-quality, in color, and unobstructed (not angled, blurry, or cropped)
  • Display the full document (i.e. all pages - front and back, if applicable)
  • Have all pages of the document in 1 file
  • Display exact matching information (such as your ID number or name) that you use to register to sell on Amazon
  • Only submit what Amazon has requested (do not include any additional documents)
  • For Utility Bills, shows complete company information and personal information
    • Dated within 90 days
    • Be 1 from the list in the email
    • **NOTE: Once denied twice you need a different Utility (According to a post from an Amazonian)
  • Not be a screenshot or resemble one
  • Be authentic and unaltered
  • Be scanned images, or a photo taken from your mobile device’s camera (photo’s seem to work best)
  • Be in one of these formats: gif, png, jpg, pdf, and docx. Do not include special characters in the file name (examples: $, &, or #)
  • Match - Name and address matches :100:, and I mean exactly with:
  • Be in one of these supported languages. Supported languages include Arabic, simplified Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese (per the latest email) OR include the bill AND a notarized translation together in 1 file.

Credit Card

  • Is the credit card valid?
    • For most all sellers on .com be an actual Credit Card, nor a Debit Card (It’s about verification, not being chargeable)
    • Are you using a pre-paid card? (Note: Use of a pre-paid card is not accepted for a selling account.)
  • Is there any incorrect credit card information entered? (Note: All the credit card information entered such as number, name, address, ZIP code, or expiration date must be an exact match with your card details.)
  • Are there bank limits or policies that prevent the charge attempt from being authorized?
    • Is there a minimum charge amount?
    • Is this chargeable in the currency of the Amazon marketplace where you registered your seller account? i.e. Internationally Chargeable if the institution is located outside the US
    • Doesn’t have a block for ‘Amazon’
  • The card expiration date should be at least 6 months from when you add the card.
  • Does your card require the use of the security code on the back?

Seller Identity Help Page:

content and credit from @Oneida

user profile
  • Match - Name and address matches :100:, and I mean exactly with:

Identity documents:

The identity documents required for each seller depends on the country or state your business is headquartered in, and where you live.

The drop-down options will tell you which options are available to you, such as: passport, driver license, or national ID. In addition to the above requirements for all documents, the ID must:

  • show a full document page, or in case of national identity cards, both sides of the card
  • be a government-issued identity card that is distributed and recognized by the country where you are a citizen or resident
  • be in color (black and white not accepted)
  • for multi-page files (both sides of the ID), if the screen does not ask for separate front and back image uploads, be sure to merge the images into one file to upload
  • have date of birth (if applicable) that matches the date of birth provided during registration
  • have a signature
  • if submitting a passport, be sure the passport has your signature

Account validation requirements

All documents must:

  • Be valid (not expired, revoked, or closed)
  • Be high-quality, in color, and unobstructed (not angled, blurry, or cropped)
  • Display the full document (i.e. all pages - front and back, if applicable)
  • Have all pages of the document in 1 file
  • Display exact matching information (such as your ID number or name) that you use to register to sell on Amazon
  • Only submit what Amazon has requested (do not include any additional documents)
  • For Utility Bills, shows complete company information and personal information
    • Dated within 90 days
    • Be 1 from the list in the email
    • **NOTE: Once denied twice you need a different Utility (According to a post from an Amazonian)
  • Not be a screenshot or resemble one
  • Be authentic and unaltered
  • Be scanned images, or a photo taken from your mobile device’s camera (photo’s seem to work best)
  • Be in one of these formats: gif, png, jpg, pdf, and docx. Do not include special characters in the file name (examples: $, &, or #)
  • Match - Name and address matches :100:, and I mean exactly with:
  • Be in one of these supported languages. Supported languages include Arabic, simplified Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese (per the latest email) OR include the bill AND a notarized translation together in 1 file.

Credit Card

  • Is the credit card valid?
    • For most all sellers on .com be an actual Credit Card, nor a Debit Card (It’s about verification, not being chargeable)
    • Are you using a pre-paid card? (Note: Use of a pre-paid card is not accepted for a selling account.)
  • Is there any incorrect credit card information entered? (Note: All the credit card information entered such as number, name, address, ZIP code, or expiration date must be an exact match with your card details.)
  • Are there bank limits or policies that prevent the charge attempt from being authorized?
    • Is there a minimum charge amount?
    • Is this chargeable in the currency of the Amazon marketplace where you registered your seller account? i.e. Internationally Chargeable if the institution is located outside the US
    • Doesn’t have a block for ‘Amazon’
  • The card expiration date should be at least 6 months from when you add the card.
  • Does your card require the use of the security code on the back?

Seller Identity Help Page:

content and credit from @Oneida

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