Request for Compliance Review and Reinstatement for Amazon Handmade Category
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Request for Compliance Review and Reinstatement for Amazon Handmade Category

I recently received a notice that my eligibility to sell within Amazon Handmade has been temporarily removed due to non-compliance with Amazon Custom policies. I immediately took action by thoroughly reviewing my listings and have since removed any products that may not fully align with the stated guidelines. I would like to request a compliance review of my account so I can make any necessary adjustments to regain eligibility.

I would like to request a review of my account to verify compliance with Amazon Custom and Handmade policies. If additional changes are necessary, please let me know how to proceed.

Please feel free to contact me if any further details are needed for a thorough review.

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Hey @Seller_Tf46kxmMQWbsW,

Thank you for posting here at the forums!

The first step would be to submit a case with Seller Support. If you have done so already, please share the Case ID here. Any major escalation will need a case to begin with.

Thank you,


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