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Confused about Free Returns

According to the FAQs I've read, sellers can deduct the cost of return shipping from a refund for "buyer-fault" returns if their Free Returns Program setting is set to "I want to offer Free Returns for none of my items." I recently discovered this policy and recently received a "buyer-fault" return that was automatically refunded at first scan so I attempted to file a SAFE-T claim to get the return shipping reimbursed. However, my SAFE-T was denied because: "The issue you reported is not covered by the Prepaid Returns for Seller Fulfilled Order program. The item you requested reimbursement for return label cost is eligible for free returns."

This has me wondering, are there certain ASINS that are opted into Free Returns regardless of what your Free Returns Program setting is? If so, how do I determine which ASINS are and aren't opted in? I would like to charge for return shipping when possible but it is currently unclear to me when I can and cannot do this.

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Tags:Refunds, Return shipment, SAFE-T
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Confused about Free Returns

According to the FAQs I've read, sellers can deduct the cost of return shipping from a refund for "buyer-fault" returns if their Free Returns Program setting is set to "I want to offer Free Returns for none of my items." I recently discovered this policy and recently received a "buyer-fault" return that was automatically refunded at first scan so I attempted to file a SAFE-T claim to get the return shipping reimbursed. However, my SAFE-T was denied because: "The issue you reported is not covered by the Prepaid Returns for Seller Fulfilled Order program. The item you requested reimbursement for return label cost is eligible for free returns."

This has me wondering, are there certain ASINS that are opted into Free Returns regardless of what your Free Returns Program setting is? If so, how do I determine which ASINS are and aren't opted in? I would like to charge for return shipping when possible but it is currently unclear to me when I can and cannot do this.

Tags:Refunds, Return shipment, SAFE-T
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Hello @Seller_0aB1FQZvUD1Aq

Maybe I can help. Some products do have free returns even for normally buyer-faulted return reasons. An example is clothing. Whether you are an Amazon vendor or seller, you are required to accept free returns.

Thanks for visiting the seller forums. Susan

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Confused about Free Returns

According to the FAQs I've read, sellers can deduct the cost of return shipping from a refund for "buyer-fault" returns if their Free Returns Program setting is set to "I want to offer Free Returns for none of my items." I recently discovered this policy and recently received a "buyer-fault" return that was automatically refunded at first scan so I attempted to file a SAFE-T claim to get the return shipping reimbursed. However, my SAFE-T was denied because: "The issue you reported is not covered by the Prepaid Returns for Seller Fulfilled Order program. The item you requested reimbursement for return label cost is eligible for free returns."

This has me wondering, are there certain ASINS that are opted into Free Returns regardless of what your Free Returns Program setting is? If so, how do I determine which ASINS are and aren't opted in? I would like to charge for return shipping when possible but it is currently unclear to me when I can and cannot do this.

6 replies
Tags:Refunds, Return shipment, SAFE-T
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Confused about Free Returns

According to the FAQs I've read, sellers can deduct the cost of return shipping from a refund for "buyer-fault" returns if their Free Returns Program setting is set to "I want to offer Free Returns for none of my items." I recently discovered this policy and recently received a "buyer-fault" return that was automatically refunded at first scan so I attempted to file a SAFE-T claim to get the return shipping reimbursed. However, my SAFE-T was denied because: "The issue you reported is not covered by the Prepaid Returns for Seller Fulfilled Order program. The item you requested reimbursement for return label cost is eligible for free returns."

This has me wondering, are there certain ASINS that are opted into Free Returns regardless of what your Free Returns Program setting is? If so, how do I determine which ASINS are and aren't opted in? I would like to charge for return shipping when possible but it is currently unclear to me when I can and cannot do this.

Tags:Refunds, Return shipment, SAFE-T
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Confused about Free Returns

by Seller_0aB1FQZvUD1Aq

According to the FAQs I've read, sellers can deduct the cost of return shipping from a refund for "buyer-fault" returns if their Free Returns Program setting is set to "I want to offer Free Returns for none of my items." I recently discovered this policy and recently received a "buyer-fault" return that was automatically refunded at first scan so I attempted to file a SAFE-T claim to get the return shipping reimbursed. However, my SAFE-T was denied because: "The issue you reported is not covered by the Prepaid Returns for Seller Fulfilled Order program. The item you requested reimbursement for return label cost is eligible for free returns."

This has me wondering, are there certain ASINS that are opted into Free Returns regardless of what your Free Returns Program setting is? If so, how do I determine which ASINS are and aren't opted in? I would like to charge for return shipping when possible but it is currently unclear to me when I can and cannot do this.

Tags:Refunds, Return shipment, SAFE-T
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Hello @Seller_0aB1FQZvUD1Aq

Maybe I can help. Some products do have free returns even for normally buyer-faulted return reasons. An example is clothing. Whether you are an Amazon vendor or seller, you are required to accept free returns.

Thanks for visiting the seller forums. Susan

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Hello @Seller_0aB1FQZvUD1Aq

Maybe I can help. Some products do have free returns even for normally buyer-faulted return reasons. An example is clothing. Whether you are an Amazon vendor or seller, you are required to accept free returns.

Thanks for visiting the seller forums. Susan

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Hello @Seller_0aB1FQZvUD1Aq

Maybe I can help. Some products do have free returns even for normally buyer-faulted return reasons. An example is clothing. Whether you are an Amazon vendor or seller, you are required to accept free returns.

Thanks for visiting the seller forums. Susan

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