Read onlyI am requesting help form a moderator with regard to my suppressed listings, which are climbing in number every day for no known reason. Within the last week, over 800 of my listings have been "re-suppressed" after fixing issues like missing colors or departments. Often times, the listings will even show the correct department and color listed but still say that the listing is missing the color or department. I will even match the color to the color map that is "locked" and the listings will remain suppressed.
There are too many listings to list here, but I am requesting urgent help since it appears that my listings are being suppressed at random even after "fixing" the issues. It is concerning and alarming that they continue to climb in number every day even though I am reaching out to seller support regularly to "fix" each listing each time, just for them to get re-suppressed again for no reason when the details have already been provided!
Help, please!!!
I pulled my Search Suppressed and Inactive Listings report to find that (as of this morning) over *1301* of my listings are being suppressed for a missing [color] description. ALL of these listings have a supplied color which is even visible in the product name. I have went through and updated some of these manually but they are still not being fixed.
*811* of my suppressed listings are being suppressed for a missing [department]. All of these listings have a supplied department.
I do not think this is an issue I can manually fix. Is anyone else seeing their listings be suppressed due to this kind of system error?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
We have been getting suppressions for over 2 months claiming no department or color is not added; but you can't list my items without providing those attributes. It ridiculous. I'm constantly contacting Seller Support and found better success when you chat with them instead of messaging. It might take a few seller support team members but they are there and will get those ASIN active again; but no one will fix the glitch. Check your bullet points and descriptions as well, all of ours were removed. Look like this is the new norm. Now I check for suppressions daily. The last round took up 3 hours of my time for 30 suppressions but, the team member got them all active.