approved brand produts not sell on amazon can i create a new listning ?
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approved brand produts not sell on amazon can i create a new listning ?

I got approval to sell some brand on amazon ( i am not a brand owner ) xxxx brands some products not sell on amazon so can i create a new listing for that products? can i get GTIN exemption ??or any option please advise me.

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Tags:ASIN, Add a product, GTIN, Listings
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I got approval
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You got this approval from Amazon. THAT is not enough and doesn't mean that you are ALLOWED to sell it on Amazon. This is a big trap on Amazon. For selling brands you need:

1. A "Letter of Authorization" from the brand allowing you to sell their brand on Amazon.

2. INVOICE (not receipt) from an authorized distributor. An invoice is a document with your name and address, exactly how you registered it in your seller account under "Legal Entity" and "Official Registered Address". And an authorized distributor is a company authorized by the brand owner.

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Hello @Seller_kUgMkcXqIv28T,

The following links includes information that may help with guiding you on the requirements for products that require approval and how to start selling your products:

Products that require approval

Invoice requirements for when you apply to sell

Guidelines to source products to sell on Amazon


- Manny

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