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Problems with Artisan Profile

Hi, I’m new to Amazon Handmade. I spent hours working on entering information and uploading images for my Artisan Profile and other info under Settings. But apparently there is no way to save the information and if I exit the page and come back, all the data is gone. The button “Save and Publish” is dimmed out so it will not let me select it.

So after spending many frustrating hours, I decided to upload some products. I only entered one because now I have issues with that. The images do not upload. When I look at it under inventory, the images are there. But when I look at it on Amazon like a customer would, the images are not there. And another thing. There is a field that asks me if what age item is appropriate for, so I put 12 and then selected years. When it uploaded the information it changed it to 144 months which looks absolutely ridiculous! I thought I made a mistake and went back to edit it, but it wasn’t wrong. I’ve tried changing it several times and it won’t change.

So far, I’m finding that setting up an account through Amazon is very frustrating and not at all user friendly. I currently use Etsy and that site works much better in setting it up to look nice.

Any suggestions? I’ve already put in a case support, but have not heard back.

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Problems with Artisan Profile

Hi, I’m new to Amazon Handmade. I spent hours working on entering information and uploading images for my Artisan Profile and other info under Settings. But apparently there is no way to save the information and if I exit the page and come back, all the data is gone. The button “Save and Publish” is dimmed out so it will not let me select it.

So after spending many frustrating hours, I decided to upload some products. I only entered one because now I have issues with that. The images do not upload. When I look at it under inventory, the images are there. But when I look at it on Amazon like a customer would, the images are not there. And another thing. There is a field that asks me if what age item is appropriate for, so I put 12 and then selected years. When it uploaded the information it changed it to 144 months which looks absolutely ridiculous! I thought I made a mistake and went back to edit it, but it wasn’t wrong. I’ve tried changing it several times and it won’t change.

So far, I’m finding that setting up an account through Amazon is very frustrating and not at all user friendly. I currently use Etsy and that site works much better in setting it up to look nice.

Any suggestions? I’ve already put in a case support, but have not heard back.

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Are you trying to use a mobile device to do your set up? It is better to use a laptop or desktop to do that.

What browser are you using? Amazon works better with Firefox or Chrome.

I takes some time for listings to show on the site with images. Give it some time and check again.

I don’t know why your profile will not give you an active Save & Publish button. It is possible that your Amazon sign in has timed out. Open another browser window and sign in again. Then go back to the window you were working on and try again.

I don’t know anything about the “age appropriate” window it does not apply to the category I sell in. But it appears Amazon is using the # of months maybe to standardize the info for those that would translate the description into another language? I would put a reference to the appropriate age in your description as buyers do use their mobile devices to shop and don’t always see all the detail.

Amazon is different than Etsy…but you will find after you work with both for awhile that there are things you like & dislike about both.

Sign up for the (locked) Handmade forum to get advice from experienced H@A sellers.

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On Artisan’s Profile: I recently edited mine and experienced the same issue with the “Save and Publish” button.
The solution is - start with “featured products”. There are 4 empty slots there. Click a slot and select your product from the list. You’ll see the button becomes active.

You’ll see sections Profile Info, Images, More about you, Featured Products, and I advise you to edit every section one at a time, saving and publishing every time. Don’t pay attention to how it looks for customers - photos (in Artisan Profile and on Product page) become visible in about 15 minutes, if not, so maybe you’ll need to clean the cash of your browser and refresh the page several times.

Nice to see anothere Etsier :slight_smile: I wish you many sales here :slight_smile:

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Problems with Artisan Profile

Hi, I’m new to Amazon Handmade. I spent hours working on entering information and uploading images for my Artisan Profile and other info under Settings. But apparently there is no way to save the information and if I exit the page and come back, all the data is gone. The button “Save and Publish” is dimmed out so it will not let me select it.

So after spending many frustrating hours, I decided to upload some products. I only entered one because now I have issues with that. The images do not upload. When I look at it under inventory, the images are there. But when I look at it on Amazon like a customer would, the images are not there. And another thing. There is a field that asks me if what age item is appropriate for, so I put 12 and then selected years. When it uploaded the information it changed it to 144 months which looks absolutely ridiculous! I thought I made a mistake and went back to edit it, but it wasn’t wrong. I’ve tried changing it several times and it won’t change.

So far, I’m finding that setting up an account through Amazon is very frustrating and not at all user friendly. I currently use Etsy and that site works much better in setting it up to look nice.

Any suggestions? I’ve already put in a case support, but have not heard back.

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Problems with Artisan Profile

Hi, I’m new to Amazon Handmade. I spent hours working on entering information and uploading images for my Artisan Profile and other info under Settings. But apparently there is no way to save the information and if I exit the page and come back, all the data is gone. The button “Save and Publish” is dimmed out so it will not let me select it.

So after spending many frustrating hours, I decided to upload some products. I only entered one because now I have issues with that. The images do not upload. When I look at it under inventory, the images are there. But when I look at it on Amazon like a customer would, the images are not there. And another thing. There is a field that asks me if what age item is appropriate for, so I put 12 and then selected years. When it uploaded the information it changed it to 144 months which looks absolutely ridiculous! I thought I made a mistake and went back to edit it, but it wasn’t wrong. I’ve tried changing it several times and it won’t change.

So far, I’m finding that setting up an account through Amazon is very frustrating and not at all user friendly. I currently use Etsy and that site works much better in setting it up to look nice.

Any suggestions? I’ve already put in a case support, but have not heard back.

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Problems with Artisan Profile

by Seller_3SelmPHlJZ0Gu

Hi, I’m new to Amazon Handmade. I spent hours working on entering information and uploading images for my Artisan Profile and other info under Settings. But apparently there is no way to save the information and if I exit the page and come back, all the data is gone. The button “Save and Publish” is dimmed out so it will not let me select it.

So after spending many frustrating hours, I decided to upload some products. I only entered one because now I have issues with that. The images do not upload. When I look at it under inventory, the images are there. But when I look at it on Amazon like a customer would, the images are not there. And another thing. There is a field that asks me if what age item is appropriate for, so I put 12 and then selected years. When it uploaded the information it changed it to 144 months which looks absolutely ridiculous! I thought I made a mistake and went back to edit it, but it wasn’t wrong. I’ve tried changing it several times and it won’t change.

So far, I’m finding that setting up an account through Amazon is very frustrating and not at all user friendly. I currently use Etsy and that site works much better in setting it up to look nice.

Any suggestions? I’ve already put in a case support, but have not heard back.

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Are you trying to use a mobile device to do your set up? It is better to use a laptop or desktop to do that.

What browser are you using? Amazon works better with Firefox or Chrome.

I takes some time for listings to show on the site with images. Give it some time and check again.

I don’t know why your profile will not give you an active Save & Publish button. It is possible that your Amazon sign in has timed out. Open another browser window and sign in again. Then go back to the window you were working on and try again.

I don’t know anything about the “age appropriate” window it does not apply to the category I sell in. But it appears Amazon is using the # of months maybe to standardize the info for those that would translate the description into another language? I would put a reference to the appropriate age in your description as buyers do use their mobile devices to shop and don’t always see all the detail.

Amazon is different than Etsy…but you will find after you work with both for awhile that there are things you like & dislike about both.

Sign up for the (locked) Handmade forum to get advice from experienced H@A sellers.

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On Artisan’s Profile: I recently edited mine and experienced the same issue with the “Save and Publish” button.
The solution is - start with “featured products”. There are 4 empty slots there. Click a slot and select your product from the list. You’ll see the button becomes active.

You’ll see sections Profile Info, Images, More about you, Featured Products, and I advise you to edit every section one at a time, saving and publishing every time. Don’t pay attention to how it looks for customers - photos (in Artisan Profile and on Product page) become visible in about 15 minutes, if not, so maybe you’ll need to clean the cash of your browser and refresh the page several times.

Nice to see anothere Etsier :slight_smile: I wish you many sales here :slight_smile:

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Are you trying to use a mobile device to do your set up? It is better to use a laptop or desktop to do that.

What browser are you using? Amazon works better with Firefox or Chrome.

I takes some time for listings to show on the site with images. Give it some time and check again.

I don’t know why your profile will not give you an active Save & Publish button. It is possible that your Amazon sign in has timed out. Open another browser window and sign in again. Then go back to the window you were working on and try again.

I don’t know anything about the “age appropriate” window it does not apply to the category I sell in. But it appears Amazon is using the # of months maybe to standardize the info for those that would translate the description into another language? I would put a reference to the appropriate age in your description as buyers do use their mobile devices to shop and don’t always see all the detail.

Amazon is different than Etsy…but you will find after you work with both for awhile that there are things you like & dislike about both.

Sign up for the (locked) Handmade forum to get advice from experienced H@A sellers.

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Are you trying to use a mobile device to do your set up? It is better to use a laptop or desktop to do that.

What browser are you using? Amazon works better with Firefox or Chrome.

I takes some time for listings to show on the site with images. Give it some time and check again.

I don’t know why your profile will not give you an active Save & Publish button. It is possible that your Amazon sign in has timed out. Open another browser window and sign in again. Then go back to the window you were working on and try again.

I don’t know anything about the “age appropriate” window it does not apply to the category I sell in. But it appears Amazon is using the # of months maybe to standardize the info for those that would translate the description into another language? I would put a reference to the appropriate age in your description as buyers do use their mobile devices to shop and don’t always see all the detail.

Amazon is different than Etsy…but you will find after you work with both for awhile that there are things you like & dislike about both.

Sign up for the (locked) Handmade forum to get advice from experienced H@A sellers.

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On Artisan’s Profile: I recently edited mine and experienced the same issue with the “Save and Publish” button.
The solution is - start with “featured products”. There are 4 empty slots there. Click a slot and select your product from the list. You’ll see the button becomes active.

You’ll see sections Profile Info, Images, More about you, Featured Products, and I advise you to edit every section one at a time, saving and publishing every time. Don’t pay attention to how it looks for customers - photos (in Artisan Profile and on Product page) become visible in about 15 minutes, if not, so maybe you’ll need to clean the cash of your browser and refresh the page several times.

Nice to see anothere Etsier :slight_smile: I wish you many sales here :slight_smile:

user profile

On Artisan’s Profile: I recently edited mine and experienced the same issue with the “Save and Publish” button.
The solution is - start with “featured products”. There are 4 empty slots there. Click a slot and select your product from the list. You’ll see the button becomes active.

You’ll see sections Profile Info, Images, More about you, Featured Products, and I advise you to edit every section one at a time, saving and publishing every time. Don’t pay attention to how it looks for customers - photos (in Artisan Profile and on Product page) become visible in about 15 minutes, if not, so maybe you’ll need to clean the cash of your browser and refresh the page several times.

Nice to see anothere Etsier :slight_smile: I wish you many sales here :slight_smile:

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