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Amazon's book banning leading to multiple Restricted Policy Violations

I’ve sold mostly books on Amazon for about 12 years, excellent customer service and compliance to the extent a person can remain compliant with the constantly moving targets. You don’t keep bucking the AZ bronco for 12 years without being thrown minus doing things right. In total I’ve carried about 15,000 titles, currently over 5,000 in inventory. Lots of interesting and often rare stuff, all genres, many academic titles.

The account despite excellent metrics is now showing as At Risk with 3 Restricted Policy Violations because Amazon has without warning banned 3 titles for content. The first was a college classroom-intended paperback Mein Kampf with a foreword by a history professor about the content. This was not a leather bound coffee table Baby’s First Mein Kampf with a gilded swastika for the deranged parent. I posted about this banning on my social media and one of my friends who happens to be Jewish noted that he was assigned passages of Mein Kampf in Hebrew school, which makes perfect sense to me.

Just now I’ve received an email that two books were banned the same day, two more strikes on my account. For over a year I’ve had a rarish early printing of The Turner Diaries for sale, a work of fiction (!) about a right wing militia insurgency in the US. I haven’t read it - believe it or not I don’t read every book I sell, impossible on top of undesirable - but I’ve known about it since the 90s, & the content seems similar to Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang (not yet banned, give it time) with adjustments for philosophy and targets. Banned at the same time was For My Legionnaires, the 1936 “Romanian Mein Kampf” which spurred on the Iron Guard in that country and is an important historical text for anyone studying Romanian history. Ironically the book was initially banned in Romania when first published, seeing as the government had a censorship board.

It’s not that I specialize in rightist texts - far from it, I’m an old school liberal which to me means no censorship - I just happen to have 5,000+ titles for sale and we’re opening things up to the public to ban titles now, so that’s going to affect every bookseller with an awful chilling effect. As far as Amazon is concerned now however I’m a fascist crank and a danger to the community.

All of these are books Amazon allowed sale of FOR A QUARTER CENTURY then banned overnight without warning and is dinging seller accounts on as if we were selling baby food enhanced with glass shards.

We’re headed to a very dark place in the US regarding availability of books. Along with anything rightist I predict bannings of ‘cancelled’ earlier wave feminist texts for being “trans-exclusionary.” Tick tock, give it time. Whatever you like to read is next. I predict this thread gets censored and locked before the end of the weekend.

On top of this, publishers of a lot of titles are cutting deals to restrict secondary market sales of their books as used, raising your prices and limiting what I can sell. Marvel for example I don’t bother to try and list any longer, third party sellers are simply blocked through corporate dealings from listing without presenting a recent wholesale invoice from the publisher. This is a means of subverting secondary sales allowances in the Copyright Act.

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Tags:Compliance, Fees, Listings, Pricing, Restricted Products
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Amazon's book banning leading to multiple Restricted Policy Violations

I’ve sold mostly books on Amazon for about 12 years, excellent customer service and compliance to the extent a person can remain compliant with the constantly moving targets. You don’t keep bucking the AZ bronco for 12 years without being thrown minus doing things right. In total I’ve carried about 15,000 titles, currently over 5,000 in inventory. Lots of interesting and often rare stuff, all genres, many academic titles.

The account despite excellent metrics is now showing as At Risk with 3 Restricted Policy Violations because Amazon has without warning banned 3 titles for content. The first was a college classroom-intended paperback Mein Kampf with a foreword by a history professor about the content. This was not a leather bound coffee table Baby’s First Mein Kampf with a gilded swastika for the deranged parent. I posted about this banning on my social media and one of my friends who happens to be Jewish noted that he was assigned passages of Mein Kampf in Hebrew school, which makes perfect sense to me.

Just now I’ve received an email that two books were banned the same day, two more strikes on my account. For over a year I’ve had a rarish early printing of The Turner Diaries for sale, a work of fiction (!) about a right wing militia insurgency in the US. I haven’t read it - believe it or not I don’t read every book I sell, impossible on top of undesirable - but I’ve known about it since the 90s, & the content seems similar to Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang (not yet banned, give it time) with adjustments for philosophy and targets. Banned at the same time was For My Legionnaires, the 1936 “Romanian Mein Kampf” which spurred on the Iron Guard in that country and is an important historical text for anyone studying Romanian history. Ironically the book was initially banned in Romania when first published, seeing as the government had a censorship board.

It’s not that I specialize in rightist texts - far from it, I’m an old school liberal which to me means no censorship - I just happen to have 5,000+ titles for sale and we’re opening things up to the public to ban titles now, so that’s going to affect every bookseller with an awful chilling effect. As far as Amazon is concerned now however I’m a fascist crank and a danger to the community.

All of these are books Amazon allowed sale of FOR A QUARTER CENTURY then banned overnight without warning and is dinging seller accounts on as if we were selling baby food enhanced with glass shards.

We’re headed to a very dark place in the US regarding availability of books. Along with anything rightist I predict bannings of ‘cancelled’ earlier wave feminist texts for being “trans-exclusionary.” Tick tock, give it time. Whatever you like to read is next. I predict this thread gets censored and locked before the end of the weekend.

On top of this, publishers of a lot of titles are cutting deals to restrict secondary market sales of their books as used, raising your prices and limiting what I can sell. Marvel for example I don’t bother to try and list any longer, third party sellers are simply blocked through corporate dealings from listing without presenting a recent wholesale invoice from the publisher. This is a means of subverting secondary sales allowances in the Copyright Act.

Tags:Compliance, Fees, Listings, Pricing, Restricted Products
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I completely agree that the idea of removing books for offensive content with little to no over site/review is a bad slippery slope. But the bigger issue is the immediate violation sellers are in with no warning when one of these items is deemed problematic. Zero warning or ability to comply with taking something down. That’s the most unfair and callous part.

I’ve had 2 of these violations for books I sold years ago that haven’t been in my active inventory since then.

user profile

I’ve had the same thing happen as you, including with Mein Kampf. I’ve had 3 or 4 of these violations, always for a book that I sold years ago. I don’t think Amazon will really act on these “violations”. How can you be blamed for selling a book 5 years ago, long before Amazon decided to ban it??
Coincidentally, you mentioned The Monkey Wrench Gang. This was the book that started me selling on Amazon 12 years ago!

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There seems to be two separate issues, which some posters are conflating. The first is Amazon’s decision to ban sale of certain books. I have less of an issue with this because, as is the oft cited cliche, this is Amazon’s playground and they get to set the rules. As long as these books are freely available in the marketplace, then Amazon’s decision may influence whether one chooses to patronize them, but, at the moment, I do not have a problem with it.

To me, the more serious issue is the one that impact me, and, apparently, many other sellers. Amazon is dinging our accounts for having once sold a book that Amazon has now determined to be verboten without advance warning or notice. Over the past several months, I have gotten a number of policy warnings for having sold media items – in one case more than 10 years earlier – that are now restricted. This includes such controversial titles as a book in one of James Patterson’s endless series.

In the abstract, these violations are laughable, and, I would hope, easily resolvable. That said, with Amazon’s bots running wild, I have a legitimate fear that my account will one day suspended because Amazon finds that I have too many violations, or it dings me in another area and the retroactive restricted policy violations are a tipping point where the bot closes my account. We know, however, that we can never reach a human voice at Amazon and the moderators, often helpful and quick to chime in on more obtuse issues or to help sellers who have clearly violated the rules, are seemingly instructed from participating in more basic and widespread issues such as this.

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Not everyone with 3 Restricted Policy Violations shows at risk. At risk really does not mean any specific thing. It is like a flashing yellow traffic light.

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I was also hit with a violation for selling Mein Kampf.
It’s too profitable a book for amazon not to sell it, but only in it’s approved version.

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While you all spin in philosophical circles, you’ve failed to answer the question. How do we avoid the Restricted Item Policy Violations for items we have listed that are suddenly removed from Amazon’s inventory? I also have two violations, though not for books. They are a DVD sku and a video game sku that were removed. When I get the email notification I delete them from my inventory, but I get dinged anyways. How can we avoid these violations? I’m not here to discuss the politics of book banning.

user profile

Amazon is a corporation. Legally, they can dictate what they want on their platform. What is “right or wrong” is up for interpretation, but a corporation has a right to censor and select what it allows on its platform. Just because Amazon is no longer allowing the sale of X, does not mean it’s not available elsewhere, it just means you will no longer be allowed to take advantage of the customer funnel that Amazon has created for you. It is a privilege to sell to Amazon’s customer funnel which they have cultivated. You are not entitled to anything. You might need to start your own platform or website and sell the books you want to sell. Invest all your capital into creating a space that people all over the world will come and trust their hard earned dollars, to. I hope you succeed.

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Excluding the discussion of what can and can’t at this point, hitting someone’s metrics when a product was allowed and overnight disallowed, I feel is unjust. If Amazon elects to remove a product then it should so state and the seller should remove but again nailing someone’s metrics is unjust. Just my opinion.

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Let’s see how long this stays up:
youtube: AwakenWithJP, How People Treat Free Speech These Days

Moderator Edit (James_Amazon): External URL Removed

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Amazon's book banning leading to multiple Restricted Policy Violations

I’ve sold mostly books on Amazon for about 12 years, excellent customer service and compliance to the extent a person can remain compliant with the constantly moving targets. You don’t keep bucking the AZ bronco for 12 years without being thrown minus doing things right. In total I’ve carried about 15,000 titles, currently over 5,000 in inventory. Lots of interesting and often rare stuff, all genres, many academic titles.

The account despite excellent metrics is now showing as At Risk with 3 Restricted Policy Violations because Amazon has without warning banned 3 titles for content. The first was a college classroom-intended paperback Mein Kampf with a foreword by a history professor about the content. This was not a leather bound coffee table Baby’s First Mein Kampf with a gilded swastika for the deranged parent. I posted about this banning on my social media and one of my friends who happens to be Jewish noted that he was assigned passages of Mein Kampf in Hebrew school, which makes perfect sense to me.

Just now I’ve received an email that two books were banned the same day, two more strikes on my account. For over a year I’ve had a rarish early printing of The Turner Diaries for sale, a work of fiction (!) about a right wing militia insurgency in the US. I haven’t read it - believe it or not I don’t read every book I sell, impossible on top of undesirable - but I’ve known about it since the 90s, & the content seems similar to Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang (not yet banned, give it time) with adjustments for philosophy and targets. Banned at the same time was For My Legionnaires, the 1936 “Romanian Mein Kampf” which spurred on the Iron Guard in that country and is an important historical text for anyone studying Romanian history. Ironically the book was initially banned in Romania when first published, seeing as the government had a censorship board.

It’s not that I specialize in rightist texts - far from it, I’m an old school liberal which to me means no censorship - I just happen to have 5,000+ titles for sale and we’re opening things up to the public to ban titles now, so that’s going to affect every bookseller with an awful chilling effect. As far as Amazon is concerned now however I’m a fascist crank and a danger to the community.

All of these are books Amazon allowed sale of FOR A QUARTER CENTURY then banned overnight without warning and is dinging seller accounts on as if we were selling baby food enhanced with glass shards.

We’re headed to a very dark place in the US regarding availability of books. Along with anything rightist I predict bannings of ‘cancelled’ earlier wave feminist texts for being “trans-exclusionary.” Tick tock, give it time. Whatever you like to read is next. I predict this thread gets censored and locked before the end of the weekend.

On top of this, publishers of a lot of titles are cutting deals to restrict secondary market sales of their books as used, raising your prices and limiting what I can sell. Marvel for example I don’t bother to try and list any longer, third party sellers are simply blocked through corporate dealings from listing without presenting a recent wholesale invoice from the publisher. This is a means of subverting secondary sales allowances in the Copyright Act.

90 replies
Tags:Compliance, Fees, Listings, Pricing, Restricted Products
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Amazon's book banning leading to multiple Restricted Policy Violations

I’ve sold mostly books on Amazon for about 12 years, excellent customer service and compliance to the extent a person can remain compliant with the constantly moving targets. You don’t keep bucking the AZ bronco for 12 years without being thrown minus doing things right. In total I’ve carried about 15,000 titles, currently over 5,000 in inventory. Lots of interesting and often rare stuff, all genres, many academic titles.

The account despite excellent metrics is now showing as At Risk with 3 Restricted Policy Violations because Amazon has without warning banned 3 titles for content. The first was a college classroom-intended paperback Mein Kampf with a foreword by a history professor about the content. This was not a leather bound coffee table Baby’s First Mein Kampf with a gilded swastika for the deranged parent. I posted about this banning on my social media and one of my friends who happens to be Jewish noted that he was assigned passages of Mein Kampf in Hebrew school, which makes perfect sense to me.

Just now I’ve received an email that two books were banned the same day, two more strikes on my account. For over a year I’ve had a rarish early printing of The Turner Diaries for sale, a work of fiction (!) about a right wing militia insurgency in the US. I haven’t read it - believe it or not I don’t read every book I sell, impossible on top of undesirable - but I’ve known about it since the 90s, & the content seems similar to Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang (not yet banned, give it time) with adjustments for philosophy and targets. Banned at the same time was For My Legionnaires, the 1936 “Romanian Mein Kampf” which spurred on the Iron Guard in that country and is an important historical text for anyone studying Romanian history. Ironically the book was initially banned in Romania when first published, seeing as the government had a censorship board.

It’s not that I specialize in rightist texts - far from it, I’m an old school liberal which to me means no censorship - I just happen to have 5,000+ titles for sale and we’re opening things up to the public to ban titles now, so that’s going to affect every bookseller with an awful chilling effect. As far as Amazon is concerned now however I’m a fascist crank and a danger to the community.

All of these are books Amazon allowed sale of FOR A QUARTER CENTURY then banned overnight without warning and is dinging seller accounts on as if we were selling baby food enhanced with glass shards.

We’re headed to a very dark place in the US regarding availability of books. Along with anything rightist I predict bannings of ‘cancelled’ earlier wave feminist texts for being “trans-exclusionary.” Tick tock, give it time. Whatever you like to read is next. I predict this thread gets censored and locked before the end of the weekend.

On top of this, publishers of a lot of titles are cutting deals to restrict secondary market sales of their books as used, raising your prices and limiting what I can sell. Marvel for example I don’t bother to try and list any longer, third party sellers are simply blocked through corporate dealings from listing without presenting a recent wholesale invoice from the publisher. This is a means of subverting secondary sales allowances in the Copyright Act.

Tags:Compliance, Fees, Listings, Pricing, Restricted Products
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Amazon's book banning leading to multiple Restricted Policy Violations

by Seller_w5tXkGLVYBnzo

I’ve sold mostly books on Amazon for about 12 years, excellent customer service and compliance to the extent a person can remain compliant with the constantly moving targets. You don’t keep bucking the AZ bronco for 12 years without being thrown minus doing things right. In total I’ve carried about 15,000 titles, currently over 5,000 in inventory. Lots of interesting and often rare stuff, all genres, many academic titles.

The account despite excellent metrics is now showing as At Risk with 3 Restricted Policy Violations because Amazon has without warning banned 3 titles for content. The first was a college classroom-intended paperback Mein Kampf with a foreword by a history professor about the content. This was not a leather bound coffee table Baby’s First Mein Kampf with a gilded swastika for the deranged parent. I posted about this banning on my social media and one of my friends who happens to be Jewish noted that he was assigned passages of Mein Kampf in Hebrew school, which makes perfect sense to me.

Just now I’ve received an email that two books were banned the same day, two more strikes on my account. For over a year I’ve had a rarish early printing of The Turner Diaries for sale, a work of fiction (!) about a right wing militia insurgency in the US. I haven’t read it - believe it or not I don’t read every book I sell, impossible on top of undesirable - but I’ve known about it since the 90s, & the content seems similar to Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang (not yet banned, give it time) with adjustments for philosophy and targets. Banned at the same time was For My Legionnaires, the 1936 “Romanian Mein Kampf” which spurred on the Iron Guard in that country and is an important historical text for anyone studying Romanian history. Ironically the book was initially banned in Romania when first published, seeing as the government had a censorship board.

It’s not that I specialize in rightist texts - far from it, I’m an old school liberal which to me means no censorship - I just happen to have 5,000+ titles for sale and we’re opening things up to the public to ban titles now, so that’s going to affect every bookseller with an awful chilling effect. As far as Amazon is concerned now however I’m a fascist crank and a danger to the community.

All of these are books Amazon allowed sale of FOR A QUARTER CENTURY then banned overnight without warning and is dinging seller accounts on as if we were selling baby food enhanced with glass shards.

We’re headed to a very dark place in the US regarding availability of books. Along with anything rightist I predict bannings of ‘cancelled’ earlier wave feminist texts for being “trans-exclusionary.” Tick tock, give it time. Whatever you like to read is next. I predict this thread gets censored and locked before the end of the weekend.

On top of this, publishers of a lot of titles are cutting deals to restrict secondary market sales of their books as used, raising your prices and limiting what I can sell. Marvel for example I don’t bother to try and list any longer, third party sellers are simply blocked through corporate dealings from listing without presenting a recent wholesale invoice from the publisher. This is a means of subverting secondary sales allowances in the Copyright Act.

Tags:Compliance, Fees, Listings, Pricing, Restricted Products
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I completely agree that the idea of removing books for offensive content with little to no over site/review is a bad slippery slope. But the bigger issue is the immediate violation sellers are in with no warning when one of these items is deemed problematic. Zero warning or ability to comply with taking something down. That’s the most unfair and callous part.

I’ve had 2 of these violations for books I sold years ago that haven’t been in my active inventory since then.

user profile

I’ve had the same thing happen as you, including with Mein Kampf. I’ve had 3 or 4 of these violations, always for a book that I sold years ago. I don’t think Amazon will really act on these “violations”. How can you be blamed for selling a book 5 years ago, long before Amazon decided to ban it??
Coincidentally, you mentioned The Monkey Wrench Gang. This was the book that started me selling on Amazon 12 years ago!

user profile

There seems to be two separate issues, which some posters are conflating. The first is Amazon’s decision to ban sale of certain books. I have less of an issue with this because, as is the oft cited cliche, this is Amazon’s playground and they get to set the rules. As long as these books are freely available in the marketplace, then Amazon’s decision may influence whether one chooses to patronize them, but, at the moment, I do not have a problem with it.

To me, the more serious issue is the one that impact me, and, apparently, many other sellers. Amazon is dinging our accounts for having once sold a book that Amazon has now determined to be verboten without advance warning or notice. Over the past several months, I have gotten a number of policy warnings for having sold media items – in one case more than 10 years earlier – that are now restricted. This includes such controversial titles as a book in one of James Patterson’s endless series.

In the abstract, these violations are laughable, and, I would hope, easily resolvable. That said, with Amazon’s bots running wild, I have a legitimate fear that my account will one day suspended because Amazon finds that I have too many violations, or it dings me in another area and the retroactive restricted policy violations are a tipping point where the bot closes my account. We know, however, that we can never reach a human voice at Amazon and the moderators, often helpful and quick to chime in on more obtuse issues or to help sellers who have clearly violated the rules, are seemingly instructed from participating in more basic and widespread issues such as this.

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Not everyone with 3 Restricted Policy Violations shows at risk. At risk really does not mean any specific thing. It is like a flashing yellow traffic light.

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I was also hit with a violation for selling Mein Kampf.
It’s too profitable a book for amazon not to sell it, but only in it’s approved version.

user profile

While you all spin in philosophical circles, you’ve failed to answer the question. How do we avoid the Restricted Item Policy Violations for items we have listed that are suddenly removed from Amazon’s inventory? I also have two violations, though not for books. They are a DVD sku and a video game sku that were removed. When I get the email notification I delete them from my inventory, but I get dinged anyways. How can we avoid these violations? I’m not here to discuss the politics of book banning.

user profile

Amazon is a corporation. Legally, they can dictate what they want on their platform. What is “right or wrong” is up for interpretation, but a corporation has a right to censor and select what it allows on its platform. Just because Amazon is no longer allowing the sale of X, does not mean it’s not available elsewhere, it just means you will no longer be allowed to take advantage of the customer funnel that Amazon has created for you. It is a privilege to sell to Amazon’s customer funnel which they have cultivated. You are not entitled to anything. You might need to start your own platform or website and sell the books you want to sell. Invest all your capital into creating a space that people all over the world will come and trust their hard earned dollars, to. I hope you succeed.

user profile

Excluding the discussion of what can and can’t at this point, hitting someone’s metrics when a product was allowed and overnight disallowed, I feel is unjust. If Amazon elects to remove a product then it should so state and the seller should remove but again nailing someone’s metrics is unjust. Just my opinion.

user profile

Let’s see how long this stays up:
youtube: AwakenWithJP, How People Treat Free Speech These Days

Moderator Edit (James_Amazon): External URL Removed

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This post has been deleted
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I completely agree that the idea of removing books for offensive content with little to no over site/review is a bad slippery slope. But the bigger issue is the immediate violation sellers are in with no warning when one of these items is deemed problematic. Zero warning or ability to comply with taking something down. That’s the most unfair and callous part.

I’ve had 2 of these violations for books I sold years ago that haven’t been in my active inventory since then.

user profile

I completely agree that the idea of removing books for offensive content with little to no over site/review is a bad slippery slope. But the bigger issue is the immediate violation sellers are in with no warning when one of these items is deemed problematic. Zero warning or ability to comply with taking something down. That’s the most unfair and callous part.

I’ve had 2 of these violations for books I sold years ago that haven’t been in my active inventory since then.

user profile

I’ve had the same thing happen as you, including with Mein Kampf. I’ve had 3 or 4 of these violations, always for a book that I sold years ago. I don’t think Amazon will really act on these “violations”. How can you be blamed for selling a book 5 years ago, long before Amazon decided to ban it??
Coincidentally, you mentioned The Monkey Wrench Gang. This was the book that started me selling on Amazon 12 years ago!

user profile

I’ve had the same thing happen as you, including with Mein Kampf. I’ve had 3 or 4 of these violations, always for a book that I sold years ago. I don’t think Amazon will really act on these “violations”. How can you be blamed for selling a book 5 years ago, long before Amazon decided to ban it??
Coincidentally, you mentioned The Monkey Wrench Gang. This was the book that started me selling on Amazon 12 years ago!

user profile

There seems to be two separate issues, which some posters are conflating. The first is Amazon’s decision to ban sale of certain books. I have less of an issue with this because, as is the oft cited cliche, this is Amazon’s playground and they get to set the rules. As long as these books are freely available in the marketplace, then Amazon’s decision may influence whether one chooses to patronize them, but, at the moment, I do not have a problem with it.

To me, the more serious issue is the one that impact me, and, apparently, many other sellers. Amazon is dinging our accounts for having once sold a book that Amazon has now determined to be verboten without advance warning or notice. Over the past several months, I have gotten a number of policy warnings for having sold media items – in one case more than 10 years earlier – that are now restricted. This includes such controversial titles as a book in one of James Patterson’s endless series.

In the abstract, these violations are laughable, and, I would hope, easily resolvable. That said, with Amazon’s bots running wild, I have a legitimate fear that my account will one day suspended because Amazon finds that I have too many violations, or it dings me in another area and the retroactive restricted policy violations are a tipping point where the bot closes my account. We know, however, that we can never reach a human voice at Amazon and the moderators, often helpful and quick to chime in on more obtuse issues or to help sellers who have clearly violated the rules, are seemingly instructed from participating in more basic and widespread issues such as this.

user profile

There seems to be two separate issues, which some posters are conflating. The first is Amazon’s decision to ban sale of certain books. I have less of an issue with this because, as is the oft cited cliche, this is Amazon’s playground and they get to set the rules. As long as these books are freely available in the marketplace, then Amazon’s decision may influence whether one chooses to patronize them, but, at the moment, I do not have a problem with it.

To me, the more serious issue is the one that impact me, and, apparently, many other sellers. Amazon is dinging our accounts for having once sold a book that Amazon has now determined to be verboten without advance warning or notice. Over the past several months, I have gotten a number of policy warnings for having sold media items – in one case more than 10 years earlier – that are now restricted. This includes such controversial titles as a book in one of James Patterson’s endless series.

In the abstract, these violations are laughable, and, I would hope, easily resolvable. That said, with Amazon’s bots running wild, I have a legitimate fear that my account will one day suspended because Amazon finds that I have too many violations, or it dings me in another area and the retroactive restricted policy violations are a tipping point where the bot closes my account. We know, however, that we can never reach a human voice at Amazon and the moderators, often helpful and quick to chime in on more obtuse issues or to help sellers who have clearly violated the rules, are seemingly instructed from participating in more basic and widespread issues such as this.

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Not everyone with 3 Restricted Policy Violations shows at risk. At risk really does not mean any specific thing. It is like a flashing yellow traffic light.

user profile

Not everyone with 3 Restricted Policy Violations shows at risk. At risk really does not mean any specific thing. It is like a flashing yellow traffic light.

user profile

I was also hit with a violation for selling Mein Kampf.
It’s too profitable a book for amazon not to sell it, but only in it’s approved version.

user profile

I was also hit with a violation for selling Mein Kampf.
It’s too profitable a book for amazon not to sell it, but only in it’s approved version.

user profile

While you all spin in philosophical circles, you’ve failed to answer the question. How do we avoid the Restricted Item Policy Violations for items we have listed that are suddenly removed from Amazon’s inventory? I also have two violations, though not for books. They are a DVD sku and a video game sku that were removed. When I get the email notification I delete them from my inventory, but I get dinged anyways. How can we avoid these violations? I’m not here to discuss the politics of book banning.

user profile

While you all spin in philosophical circles, you’ve failed to answer the question. How do we avoid the Restricted Item Policy Violations for items we have listed that are suddenly removed from Amazon’s inventory? I also have two violations, though not for books. They are a DVD sku and a video game sku that were removed. When I get the email notification I delete them from my inventory, but I get dinged anyways. How can we avoid these violations? I’m not here to discuss the politics of book banning.

user profile

Amazon is a corporation. Legally, they can dictate what they want on their platform. What is “right or wrong” is up for interpretation, but a corporation has a right to censor and select what it allows on its platform. Just because Amazon is no longer allowing the sale of X, does not mean it’s not available elsewhere, it just means you will no longer be allowed to take advantage of the customer funnel that Amazon has created for you. It is a privilege to sell to Amazon’s customer funnel which they have cultivated. You are not entitled to anything. You might need to start your own platform or website and sell the books you want to sell. Invest all your capital into creating a space that people all over the world will come and trust their hard earned dollars, to. I hope you succeed.

user profile

Amazon is a corporation. Legally, they can dictate what they want on their platform. What is “right or wrong” is up for interpretation, but a corporation has a right to censor and select what it allows on its platform. Just because Amazon is no longer allowing the sale of X, does not mean it’s not available elsewhere, it just means you will no longer be allowed to take advantage of the customer funnel that Amazon has created for you. It is a privilege to sell to Amazon’s customer funnel which they have cultivated. You are not entitled to anything. You might need to start your own platform or website and sell the books you want to sell. Invest all your capital into creating a space that people all over the world will come and trust their hard earned dollars, to. I hope you succeed.

user profile

Excluding the discussion of what can and can’t at this point, hitting someone’s metrics when a product was allowed and overnight disallowed, I feel is unjust. If Amazon elects to remove a product then it should so state and the seller should remove but again nailing someone’s metrics is unjust. Just my opinion.

user profile

Excluding the discussion of what can and can’t at this point, hitting someone’s metrics when a product was allowed and overnight disallowed, I feel is unjust. If Amazon elects to remove a product then it should so state and the seller should remove but again nailing someone’s metrics is unjust. Just my opinion.

user profile

Let’s see how long this stays up:
youtube: AwakenWithJP, How People Treat Free Speech These Days

Moderator Edit (James_Amazon): External URL Removed

user profile

Let’s see how long this stays up:
youtube: AwakenWithJP, How People Treat Free Speech These Days

Moderator Edit (James_Amazon): External URL Removed


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