Product has been identified as a psoriasis lamp and removed
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Product has been identified as a psoriasis lamp and removed

A product I have been selling on Amazon for years has been identified as a psoriasis lamp and its detail page has been removed. This product is not a psoriasis lamp and can not be used to treat any disease. I submitted an appeal (case ID: 16805701951) and attached package photos, instruction to prove these. But the appeal was rejected and i was asked to provide the 510(k) number.

I am so sad and don't know how to deal with this situation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

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Tags:Listing deactivated, Product removal, Restricted Products
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Good Morning @Seller_F6KxpzaqWYzA6,

I would recommend taking a look at a discussion I created around addressing -->HERE<-- compliance concerns. Feel free to take a look at thoroughly look at your listing, product, product packaging, and any information submitted to Amazon and ensure that it is not falling into the medical device compliance requirements.

If your listing should not be flagged for providing compliance documentation, ensure you are providing the team with a thorough well-written appeal. It’s also highly recommended you share additional evidence that demonstrates the specific nature of the product. This could include manuals, schematics, photos, and/or a video recording showing your product should not be flagged for the compliance information that was originally requested.

Feel free to also look at my colleague's @Glenn_Amazon post about medical device appeals -->HERE<--

Best of luck and let me know if there is anything else I can help with for this situation.

Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon

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Good Evening @Seller_cg2wZY77VDrqV,

I bring you fantastic news that the ASINs ending in H6KB and PF4F associated to CASE ID 17069759221 and 16805701951 are being reinstated and should live on the website within the next 24 to 48 hours.

Please let us know if you require any additional assistance with the listing post reinstatement or you can reach out to Selling Partner Support.

With that great news, I hope you have a great weekend and take care. 🙌

Cheers, Cooper_Amazon

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