Create percent-off price discounts with minimum discounted price floor
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Create percent-off price discounts with minimum discounted price floor

You've told us that you want more options for offering discounts to customers. Now, you can set percent-off price discounts with a minimum discounted price.

Here's how the new feature works:

  • When you create a price discount, you can enter a percent-off discount that will automatically apply to your item's regular offer price or sales price. For example, if you enter a 20% discount on a $100 item, the discounted price will be $80.
  • To ensure that your percent off amount doesn’t result in prices that are unintentionally too low, you can also set a minimum discounted price. If you reduce your regular offer price low enough such that the percent-off amount results in a discounted price below the minimum discounted price, the price discount will automatically deactivate. You can find promotions that require attention on your Price Discount dashboard.

    For example, if you create a 20% discount on a $100 item and set a minimum discounted price of $75, the discounted price will be $80. If your regular offer price drops from $100 to $90, the 20% discount will apply to the $90 price, resulting in a discounted price of $72. In this scenario, your price discount will automatically deactivate because the discounted price of $72 is less than your minimum discounted price of $75. This setup helps you maintain your desired pricing structure.

You can still create price discounts with fixed discounted prices.

Primary users of your Seller Central account have access to the Price Discounts tool by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global User Permissions, select the secondary user, and enable View only or View & edit permissions.

For more information about percent-off discounts, go to Create a price discount or visit the Price Discount dashboard.

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