Read onlyThis is a warning. I have provided you with evidence by attaching screenshots of the emails you sent me, which prove that my email is the same email that contains the tow store names (Hero Tools Fitness) (Sports&fitness ). As it is the same account, but I have only changed its name. You have disabled my account without any right, and if you insist on not activating it again, I will consider this act deliberate and that you have closed the account to steal my balance. Do not force me to take my right by force. As I knew many loopholes in your weak system. I advise you to activate the account to avoid problems, and when you do, I will transfer my money and close my account, as you are the worst partners and not trustworthy.
Don't know who you think you are and why Amazon would care about your "threat", but this isn't Amazon you are posting to, just a forum of other sellers. You can't change names of the account without going through verification all over again. Also, this can trigger a fraud alert withing Amazon's system. Did they ask for specific information from you?
I look forward to the headlines -- Amazon crumbles!
I am sure they are trembling.
Oh, wait. They don't know yet. And never will.
"Do not force me to take my right by force. "
You know April Amazon did crumble for the buyers, when they received 75,000 demands for arbitration and removed the mandatory clause from the buyer's user agreement.
Too bad very few 3P seller take that route.
Good for them! That's the proper way to respond to threats.
Perhaps if you had approached this in a sane, non-threatening manner, (and perhaps with at least an attempt at a bit of humility), you might have gotten somewhere.
But if this is any clue of how you would react to customers, then Amazon is likely better off without you, regardless of your store name.
And yes, you DO need to go through verification when you change names. It's a fact.
I love it. Can't even spell the insult right! That's hilarious!
And yes, I read your words; in that you are issuing a THREAT to Amazon.
Yet everyone here, AND AMAZON, disagree. Funny about that.....
1. Your warning here is useless
2. Your email address means squat as proof of who you or your store are
3. You can change your "Storefront Display Name" to anything available (Account Info > Store Info > Your Seller Profile ... or ... Account info > Business Information > Display Name)
4. Amazon only cares about the "Legal Entity" and "Business Address"
5. Amazon can request "Verification" any time they choose to do so
6. That fact that you can't provide the required documents is on you, not Amazon
Nice venting but you will NOT get relief here.
File for arbitration - that is the only action that Amazon must respect.