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UPS Oversize Charges

We received a $1,700+ return shipping cost on an order because UPS "Claims" the item is larger than we stated. We asked Amazon to request photo confirmation of the dimensions (the same request that is made of sellers when there is a discrepancy in shipping charges). UPS stats that since it is Amazon's account they cannot provide us any information. Amazon states that they cannot contact the carrier "on our behalf" and ends chats or transfers emails into oblivion when called on this. Has anyone ever had any luck getting these charges disputed, or is this a bait-and-switch operation where random charges are applied to sellers with no appeals process?




















ORder ID: 113-7750102-1467441

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Tags:Return shipment
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UPS Oversize Charges

We received a $1,700+ return shipping cost on an order because UPS "Claims" the item is larger than we stated. We asked Amazon to request photo confirmation of the dimensions (the same request that is made of sellers when there is a discrepancy in shipping charges). UPS stats that since it is Amazon's account they cannot provide us any information. Amazon states that they cannot contact the carrier "on our behalf" and ends chats or transfers emails into oblivion when called on this. Has anyone ever had any luck getting these charges disputed, or is this a bait-and-switch operation where random charges are applied to sellers with no appeals process?




















ORder ID: 113-7750102-1467441

Tags:Return shipment
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Hello @Seller_JuQdElmntS0K7,

Thank you for posting here at the forums!

It looks like there is an error in how the weight was calculated as it seems the carrier might have used the dimensions of the package to calculate the weight.

My suggestions is to call UPS directly at 1-800-711-5914 and mention that your order was via Amazon's Buy Shipping services. You will need to provide specific information about the dispute, ideally with photos and share how the weight of the package is incorrect.



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UPS Oversize Charges

We received a $1,700+ return shipping cost on an order because UPS "Claims" the item is larger than we stated. We asked Amazon to request photo confirmation of the dimensions (the same request that is made of sellers when there is a discrepancy in shipping charges). UPS stats that since it is Amazon's account they cannot provide us any information. Amazon states that they cannot contact the carrier "on our behalf" and ends chats or transfers emails into oblivion when called on this. Has anyone ever had any luck getting these charges disputed, or is this a bait-and-switch operation where random charges are applied to sellers with no appeals process?




















ORder ID: 113-7750102-1467441

2 replies
Tags:Return shipment
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UPS Oversize Charges

We received a $1,700+ return shipping cost on an order because UPS "Claims" the item is larger than we stated. We asked Amazon to request photo confirmation of the dimensions (the same request that is made of sellers when there is a discrepancy in shipping charges). UPS stats that since it is Amazon's account they cannot provide us any information. Amazon states that they cannot contact the carrier "on our behalf" and ends chats or transfers emails into oblivion when called on this. Has anyone ever had any luck getting these charges disputed, or is this a bait-and-switch operation where random charges are applied to sellers with no appeals process?




















ORder ID: 113-7750102-1467441

Tags:Return shipment
2 replies
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UPS Oversize Charges

by Seller_JuQdElmntS0K7

We received a $1,700+ return shipping cost on an order because UPS "Claims" the item is larger than we stated. We asked Amazon to request photo confirmation of the dimensions (the same request that is made of sellers when there is a discrepancy in shipping charges). UPS stats that since it is Amazon's account they cannot provide us any information. Amazon states that they cannot contact the carrier "on our behalf" and ends chats or transfers emails into oblivion when called on this. Has anyone ever had any luck getting these charges disputed, or is this a bait-and-switch operation where random charges are applied to sellers with no appeals process?




















ORder ID: 113-7750102-1467441

Tags:Return shipment
2 replies
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Hello @Seller_JuQdElmntS0K7,

Thank you for posting here at the forums!

It looks like there is an error in how the weight was calculated as it seems the carrier might have used the dimensions of the package to calculate the weight.

My suggestions is to call UPS directly at 1-800-711-5914 and mention that your order was via Amazon's Buy Shipping services. You will need to provide specific information about the dispute, ideally with photos and share how the weight of the package is incorrect.



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Hello @Seller_JuQdElmntS0K7,

Thank you for posting here at the forums!

It looks like there is an error in how the weight was calculated as it seems the carrier might have used the dimensions of the package to calculate the weight.

My suggestions is to call UPS directly at 1-800-711-5914 and mention that your order was via Amazon's Buy Shipping services. You will need to provide specific information about the dispute, ideally with photos and share how the weight of the package is incorrect.



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Hello @Seller_JuQdElmntS0K7,

Thank you for posting here at the forums!

It looks like there is an error in how the weight was calculated as it seems the carrier might have used the dimensions of the package to calculate the weight.

My suggestions is to call UPS directly at 1-800-711-5914 and mention that your order was via Amazon's Buy Shipping services. You will need to provide specific information about the dispute, ideally with photos and share how the weight of the package is incorrect.



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