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Can FBA record Product Serial Numbers Shipped to Customers on High Ticket Items? Preventing Return Fraud FBA

We are thinking about selling a $2,000 item on Amazon and using FBA to fulfill the item. The item is 30lbs, and has a exterior shipping box. The inner box has product serial # on it. The goal is to help thwart off return fraud. Amazon seems to have this ability when sold and shipped by amazon. I am not sure if it is available for 3rd party FBA.

My questions are;

1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?

2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?

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Tags:FBA, Fulfillment, Packaging
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Can FBA record Product Serial Numbers Shipped to Customers on High Ticket Items? Preventing Return Fraud FBA

We are thinking about selling a $2,000 item on Amazon and using FBA to fulfill the item. The item is 30lbs, and has a exterior shipping box. The inner box has product serial # on it. The goal is to help thwart off return fraud. Amazon seems to have this ability when sold and shipped by amazon. I am not sure if it is available for 3rd party FBA.

My questions are;

1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?

2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?

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Tags:FBA, Fulfillment, Packaging
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Good afternoon @Seller_zgYg7RIi91wn5,

I will be happy to answer your questions.

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1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?
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In short, no, FBA does not have the ability to record serial numbers in the way you're describing. Inventory in the FBA network is tracked exclusively via barcodes (manufacturer's, Amazon's, or Transparency). With Transparency, as one of the benefits of the program you actually can get insight into serial number tracking for a given order. However, the program and inventory does require additional steps to meet requirements. You can check out their program page here.

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2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?
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Similarly, when a product is returned to an FC it will be scanned in using its barcode, so it's not possible at this time to match based on serial numbers at this time.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any follow-up!

- Bryce

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Can FBA record Product Serial Numbers Shipped to Customers on High Ticket Items? Preventing Return Fraud FBA

We are thinking about selling a $2,000 item on Amazon and using FBA to fulfill the item. The item is 30lbs, and has a exterior shipping box. The inner box has product serial # on it. The goal is to help thwart off return fraud. Amazon seems to have this ability when sold and shipped by amazon. I am not sure if it is available for 3rd party FBA.

My questions are;

1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?

2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?

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Tags:FBA, Fulfillment, Packaging
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Can FBA record Product Serial Numbers Shipped to Customers on High Ticket Items? Preventing Return Fraud FBA

We are thinking about selling a $2,000 item on Amazon and using FBA to fulfill the item. The item is 30lbs, and has a exterior shipping box. The inner box has product serial # on it. The goal is to help thwart off return fraud. Amazon seems to have this ability when sold and shipped by amazon. I am not sure if it is available for 3rd party FBA.

My questions are;

1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?

2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?

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Tags:FBA, Fulfillment, Packaging
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Can FBA record Product Serial Numbers Shipped to Customers on High Ticket Items? Preventing Return Fraud FBA

by Seller_zgYg7RIi91wn5

We are thinking about selling a $2,000 item on Amazon and using FBA to fulfill the item. The item is 30lbs, and has a exterior shipping box. The inner box has product serial # on it. The goal is to help thwart off return fraud. Amazon seems to have this ability when sold and shipped by amazon. I am not sure if it is available for 3rd party FBA.

My questions are;

1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?

2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?

Tags:FBA, Fulfillment, Packaging
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Good afternoon @Seller_zgYg7RIi91wn5,

I will be happy to answer your questions.

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1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?
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In short, no, FBA does not have the ability to record serial numbers in the way you're describing. Inventory in the FBA network is tracked exclusively via barcodes (manufacturer's, Amazon's, or Transparency). With Transparency, as one of the benefits of the program you actually can get insight into serial number tracking for a given order. However, the program and inventory does require additional steps to meet requirements. You can check out their program page here.

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2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?
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Similarly, when a product is returned to an FC it will be scanned in using its barcode, so it's not possible at this time to match based on serial numbers at this time.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any follow-up!

- Bryce

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Good afternoon @Seller_zgYg7RIi91wn5,

I will be happy to answer your questions.

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1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?
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In short, no, FBA does not have the ability to record serial numbers in the way you're describing. Inventory in the FBA network is tracked exclusively via barcodes (manufacturer's, Amazon's, or Transparency). With Transparency, as one of the benefits of the program you actually can get insight into serial number tracking for a given order. However, the program and inventory does require additional steps to meet requirements. You can check out their program page here.

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2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?
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Similarly, when a product is returned to an FC it will be scanned in using its barcode, so it's not possible at this time to match based on serial numbers at this time.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any follow-up!

- Bryce

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Good afternoon @Seller_zgYg7RIi91wn5,

I will be happy to answer your questions.

user profile
1) Does FBA have the ability to record a product serial number and match that serial # to an order once the order is shipped?
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In short, no, FBA does not have the ability to record serial numbers in the way you're describing. Inventory in the FBA network is tracked exclusively via barcodes (manufacturer's, Amazon's, or Transparency). With Transparency, as one of the benefits of the program you actually can get insight into serial number tracking for a given order. However, the program and inventory does require additional steps to meet requirements. You can check out their program page here.

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2) If a product is returned, can amazon verify the same serial number was received and deny the return due to the difference in serial #s?
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Similarly, when a product is returned to an FC it will be scanned in using its barcode, so it's not possible at this time to match based on serial numbers at this time.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any follow-up!

- Bryce

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