Current concerns after using Veeqo for 90+ days


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Current concerns after using Veeqo for 90+ days

We have now been using Veeqo to ship most of our orders for the last 90 days, but sadly we would not deem them as the best solution for some things outside of Amazon and the jury is out as to how long we will continue to use them. Here are our concerns/problems so far.

1) Unable to ship to US military bases. We have to ship with alternative shipping software.

2) Unable to easily import addresses and create mailing labels without having to assign a "product" to them. We mail out a newspaper that was a breeze to do in other shipping platforms, but has been impossible so far with Veeqo.

3) WooCommerce has said it's in beta for at least 3 months. Sorry, growing impatient to be able to use this function and not have to use another shipping platform.

4) An email is sent to us from E*sy every time an E*sy order ships out. Veeqo support asked us to contact E*sy on how to fix that, but we did not feel that was something we should have to mess with. Especially since we never received those emails when we shipped using 3 other shipping platforms.

5) Veeqo does not import all customization information from E*sy. Other platforms have no problem pulling in all the order info, including any customization the customer wanted. I was told by support that this would be in as a "feature request", but I don't understand why the order would not pull in ALL the info in the first place.

6) We had to rig, or use an alternative method to get Veeqo to connect to W*lm*rt account. This may have been resolved by now, but it was a hassle 3 months ago.

7) To manually add or ship something that is not imported appears to be impossible. We end up using an alternative shipping software.

8) Lack of flexibility with invoice/packing list. While the base layout is not bad, having the ability to be able to customize the paperwork to our liking would be nice. While some shipping platforms have more flexibility than others, Veeqo no doubt has the least amount of flexibility that we've experience.

9) No invoice with the Veeqo address for total purchases made for shipping. Basically, for what they charged our credit card for. All they do is show each individual shipment and the amount. We need a proper invoice/receipt for accounting purposes.

10) I've got to be honest, I still do not have a clue how the "Veeqo Credits" work. It says it is applied the next time our account is charged, but since there is no break down on what the charge is for (an invoice or receipt), we're not for sure where, how, when or even if the credit is applied.

11) Finally, we are nervous about the fact that Veeqo is owned by Amazon! We have no problem with the Amazon orders we ship, but in the end, while Amazon provides a platform for us to sell on, they are also our competitor. So for them to potentially be able to access ANY INFORMATION about other platforms we sell on, makes us nervous.

Right now, we plan to try to use them through the holiday season and then decide from there if we will continue. We may jump ship before then, but we'll see. Support is pretty good if you can get past their lame bots. If you choose the incorrect option of "other" their bot takes you in an endless loop where you never get help.

If we were to rate them so far, we would give them an "A-" on shipping our Amazon orders (unless it goes to a military base). Probably a "C-" for other platforms, and manual orders.

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Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't all that tempted to try them; now even less so.

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Shipstation... Works every time with all stores.

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you can just ask to join the woo beta fyi. We also have to maintain a second shipping system for international shipments. The other issue for us is no support for multi bin locations. (they have been working on it for a while now)

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"9) No invoice with the Veeqo address for total purchases made for shipping.

10) no break down on what the charge is for (an invoice or receipt), we're not for sure where, how, when or even if the credit is applied."

That too is my concern. There should be more transparency on that

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My biggest concern is their inability to update the tracking number. I bough shipping label on Veeqo and shipped the item, the next day USPS returned the package because Ship To address was damaged, I had to buy another shipping label from Pirate and ship the package again.

I was not able to cancel the first label, Veeqo told me to go to USPS but USPS sold the label to Veeqo not to me, I asked Amazon support to update the tracking number they told me to go to USPS which is nonsense because USPS has nothing to do with Amazon reporting system. As a result Veeqo can't update tracking number, Amazon support does not care and does not understand the issue at all.

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Hello @Seller_Hvi3HBW45jas9 and @Seller_c9Vl6bplZP1ES . We really appreciate your detailed and valuable feedback from your first time using Veeqo. I know that Veeqo takes seller feedback very seriously, and this has been shared with their team for quick review.


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Invoicing is a nightmare

especially now nothing matches up with the 5% discount

they just run your CC when they feel like it

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Firstly thank you for providing such detailed feedback, it is super useful to hear this and we do listen and review all these posts. I will happily take your A- rating and looking to bump that to A* soon...

I am the founder and CEO of Veeqo and I am very keen to ensure we keep improving our product on a monthly basis. We have doubled our engineering team in last year and we are launching improvements every month with lots of great things coming over next few months.

Things we are working on from your list: supporting US military bases, more detailed shipping and transaction reports (Q4) which make it clear where credits where applied, more options to customise printing templates (would love to hear from you what things you want to do).

Things that should be improved already: You can create a quick manual order in Veeqo without having to link/create a product. Walmart connection. You can join Woocommerce beta which is very stable.

I can understand your concerns about sharing non Amazon data with Veeqo, but we have committed to not sharing any product sales data with Veeqo and this is something that is really important for us/me so we ensure its enforced. Happy to talk this through on the phone with you as well.

If you have time It would be great if you could speak to our product managers on invoice customization and quick orders, so we can make sure your needs will be covered with the work we have planned, let me know.

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Based on our time with Veeqo which is probably now about 4000 labels, I would just about replicate the original post almost to the very detail today. I don't honestly see any improvement since the original poster's comments. However, I did have one of my team laboriously track every shipping label with costs and use that to reconcile the shipping charges on the credit card and they do seem to be in line. Credits are a mystery as well for us. We use an alternate shipping solution as well for those should have been easy moments with Veeqo.

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Just found another glitch.

If a customer lives in a town that only has post office delivery and no mailboxes at houses, they will often put their street number and then list the box number too. We tried over and over again to get the Veeqo system to accept this, but it would not. So it was forcing us to ship a small, light product via UPS that cost over twice as much. So we took the order over to Shiprush, shipped it via USPS and not only did the customer get the order, but it was delivered early. This has happened on a couple of orders now.

Reported one of them to Veeqo, but they dismissed it and said, "this means that it is outside of the delivery promise, so Amazon will not protect it. You can use that one, but it will not get there in the desired delivery promise."

On some of the other issues mentioned, even after 2 months, most of them have had no solutions.

- Woocommerce still in beta and they don't allow us to join it.

- Etsy orders still screwed up with custom info.

- Etsy emails are still sent to us after we ship using Veeqo>

- Invoice has limited editing capabilities.

- No invoice for when a payment is "settled" to show us an amount, which items are on it and what the supposed "credit" is.


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